BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3478alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20221203T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20221203T235900 URL: pener LOCATION:LG\, 62 Queen St\, Brisbane City QLD 4000\, Australia SUMMARY:Brisbane Startup Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is a Casual tournament using the Startup format: https://n\nAll cards from the fol lowing five (5) sets are legal:\n-System Gateway\n-System Update 2021\n-Do wnfall\n-Uprising\n-Midnight Sun\nThere will be three (3) or four (4) 65-m inute rounds of double-sided swiss\, depending on the number of attendees. \nTHE FIRST ROUND will start at 10:30am. Please be at the store at 10am fo r registration. No decklists required.\nPROXIES are permitted\, these shou ld be print-outs of the cards in either greyscale or full-colour. Please l et me know if you are using proxies prior to the start of the first round. \nENTRY is $15 paid to the store\, to cover event costs and contribute to the prize pool.\nAPPROXIMATE SCHEDULE:\n10:00 Registration\n10:30 Round 1\ n11:35 Round 1 Results\n11:45 Round 2\n12:50 Round 2 Results\n13:00 Lunch\ n13:30 Round 3\n14:35 Round 3 Results\n14:45 Round 4\n15:50 Round 4 Result s\n16:00 Prizes\n16:30 All Done!\nPRIZES:\nWinner*: Vault Games Gift Vouch er\nTop 2: Hákarl 1.0 playmat\nTop 4: 3× Obokata Protocol\nTop 8: 3× Si mulchip\nParticipation: Choice from a random collection of alt-art cards\n Bonus: Alt-Art No One Home\n*This would have been an invitation to the onl ine Circuit Breaker Invitational tournament\, but that event will have alr eady concluded by this time\, so the winner will receive a gift voucher in stead (plus all other placement and participation prizes)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This is a Casual tournament using the Start up format:


All cards from the following five (5) sets are legal:\n-System Gatewa y\n-System Update 2021\n-Downfall\n-Uprising\n-Midnight Sun


There will be three (3) or four (4) 65-minute rounds of double-sided swiss\, dep ending on the number of attendees.


THE FIRST ROUND will start at 1 0:30am. Please be at the store at 10am for registration. No decklists requ ired.


PROXIES are permitted\, these should be print-outs of the ca rds in either greyscale or full-colour. Please let me know if you are usin g proxies prior to the start of the first round.


ENTRY is $15 paid to the store\, to cover event costs and contribute to the prize pool.


APPROXIMATE SCHEDULE:\n10:00 Registration\n10:30 Round 1\n11:35 Round 1 Results\n11:45 Round 2\n12:50 Round 2 Results\n13:00 Lunch\n13:30 Round 3\n14:35 Round 3 Results\n14:45 Round 4\n15:50 Round 4 Results\n16:00 Pri zes\n16:30 All Done!


PRIZES:\nWinner*: Vault Games Gift Voucher\nT op 2: Hákarl 1.0 playmat\nTop 4: 3× Obokata Protocol\nTop 8: 3× Simulch ip\nParticipation: Choice from a random collection of alt-art cards\nBonus : Alt-Art No One Home


*This would have been an invitation to the o nline Circuit Breaker Invitational tournament\, but that event will have a lready concluded by this time\, so the winner will receive a gift voucher instead (plus all other placement and participation prizes)