BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3472alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20221022T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20221022T235900 URL: LOCATION:Lietzenburger Str. 41\, 10789 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Berlin Start Up CO CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Now that we are all way hyped after worlds\, why not channel al l of it in a chill Start-Up Circuit Opener?\nFormat\nWe will be playing St art-Up\, so System Gateway\, System Update\, full Ashes Cycle and Midnight Sun.\nProxys are as always allowed\, as long as they are decent quality\n Decklists and Sleeves mandatory\n4 rounds of double-sided swiss + top3 cut \nUsual Null Signal Games Organized Play Policies apply\nTO: 114141\, I'll prarticipate depending on attendence\nFood &\; Drinks\nYou can bring y our own and there is a small supermarket on the other side of the street. The venue doesn't have any.\nRegistration\n10€\, best for me is paypal.m e/APBergner\ncash on the day of is also ok\nVenue\nIt's the same venue the last start up tournament was\, it's a church's community center but nobod y of them will be around.\nTo get in on the day\, write or call me\nWe'll start at 11 and go to around 18 o'clock with a break after round 2\nNew(is h) players\nEven if this would be your first tournament or first after a l ong break\, feel free to attend. If you write me 24h beforehands and I rec ommend decks or even bring some for you. Asking on the Discord is always p ossible.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Now that we are all way hyped after worlds\ , why not channel all of it in a chill Start-Up Circuit Opener?


F ormat


We will be playing Start-Up\, so System Gateway\, System Up date\, full Ashes Cycle and Midnight Sun.\nProxys are as always allowed\, as long as they are decent quality\nDecklists and Sleeves mandatory\n4 rou nds of double-sided swiss + top3 cut\nUsual Null Signal Games Organized Pl ay Policies apply\nTO: 114141\, I'll prarticipate depending on attendence< /p>\n

Food &\; Drinks


You can bring your own and there is a small supermarket on the other side of the street. The venue doesn't have any.




10€\, best for me is rgner\ncash on the day of is also ok




It's the same venue the last start up tournament was\, it's a church's community center but nobody of them will be around.\nTo get in on the day\, write or call me\nWe'll start at 11 and go to around 18 o'clock with a break after round 2


New(ish) players


Even if this would be your first tou rnament or first after a long break\, feel free to attend. If you write me 24h beforehands and I recommend decks or even bring some for you. Asking on the Discord is always possible.