BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:346alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170204T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170204T235900 URL: store-championship LOCATION:7681 N Union Blvd\, Colorado Springs\, CO 80920\, USA SUMMARY:Petrie's Family Games '16-'17 Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\n\n$10 entry fee\nDinner break after Swiss\n\nStore Championsh ips kick off Organized Play each year in style. With Store Championships\, you will find players of varying skill\, more prizes than your weekly gam e night or league\, and loads of fun. These tournaments are meant to be hi ghly accessible introductions to the competitive Championship series of to urnaments.\nThis tournament falls into Fantasy Flight Games' Relaxed Tier. This tier is welcoming to all players\, regardless of experience level. T he focus is on creating a fun and friendly environment.\nThis tournament w ill use Fantasy Flight Games' Basic Tournament Structure. This structure i s designed to be very accessible\, especially for newer participants. This structure provides a tournament experience that requires a modest commitm ent of time and resources from organizers and players.\nWe currently antic ipate four rounds of Swiss\, followed by a cut to the top four players for double-elimination rounds. Swiss matches will be 65 minutes each. There w ill be a short dinner break after Swiss rounds. Double-elimination games w ill be 40 minutes each\, save for the grand finals game(s)\, which will be 60 minutes each.\nPrize Support:\nTop 32 - The top thirty-two players wil l each receive a copy of the alternate art card “Pad Campaign” - an ea sy\, hands-off investment that can pay for itself…If you can protect it. \nTop 8 - The top eight players will each receive a deck box to hold your assets and hardware in.\nTop 4 - The top four players will each receive a playmat depicting some Anarchs ready to run amok.\nTop 2 - The top two pla yers will each receive a printed acrylic token to be used with the card &q uot\;Femme Fatale"\;.\nFirst Place - The winner will receive a color p rinted plaque and a first round bye (not pictured) to a 2017 Android: Netr unner Regional Championship of their choice!\nRandomly Drawn Door Prizes - Additional prize support (to include a playmat and a Femme Fatale token) will be given away at the conclusion of Swiss rounds to players still pres ent.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Store Championships kick off Organized Play each year in style. With Store Championships\, yo u will find players of varying skill\, more prizes than your weekly game n ight or league\, and loads of fun. These tournaments are meant to be highl y accessible introductions to the competitive Championship series of tourn aments.
\nThis tournament falls into Fantasy Flight Games' Relaxed T ier. This tier is welcoming to all players\, regardless of experience leve l. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly environment.
\nThis t ournament will use Fantasy Flight Games' Basic Tournament Structure. This structure is designed to be very accessible\, especially for newer partici pants. This structure provides a tournament experience that requires a mod est commitment of time and resources from organizers and players.
\nWe currently anticipate four rounds of Swiss\, followed by a cut to the to p four players for double-elimination rounds. Swiss matches will be 65 min utes each. There will be a short dinner break after Swiss rounds. Double-e limination games will be 40 minutes each\, save for the grand finals game( s)\, which will be 60 minutes each.
\nPrize Support:
\nTop 32 - The top thirty-two players will each receive a copy of the alternate art card “Pad Campaign” - an easy\, hands-off investment that can pay for itself…If you can protect it.
\nTop 8 - The top eight players wil l each receive a deck box to hold your assets and hardware in.
\nTop 4 - The top four players will each receive a playmat depicting some Anarc hs ready to run amok.
\nTop 2 - The top two players will each receiv e a printed acrylic token to be used with the card "\;Femme Fatale&quo t\;.
\nFirst Place - The winner will receive a color printed plaque and a first round bye (not pictured) to a 2017 Android: Netrunner Regional Championship of their choice!
\nRandomly Drawn Door Prizes - Additi onal prize support (to include a playmat and a Femme Fatale token) will be given away at the conclusion of Swiss rounds to players still present.