BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3454alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20221125T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20221125T235900 URL: t-of-servers LOCATION:97 Mary St\, Sheffield City Centre\, Sheffield S1 4RT\, UK SUMMARY:UK Nationals 2022 - President of Servers CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Buy tickets (one ticket per TEAM)\nFill in this team spreadshee t\nIntro\nUK Nationals is coming back to Sheffield\, and being hosted in P atriot Games' gigantic new store! We're excited to welcome people back and aim to make this a fun long weekend of Netrunner and socialising. This is the listing for the team event\, but the overall outline of the weekend i s:\nFriday 25th: Team tournament (teams of 3)\nSaturday 26th: Main event s wiss - see separate listing\nSunday 27th: Main event cut + side events (st artup + classique)\nTimings\nThe team event is on Friday 25th. The store o pens at 10:00\, with registration from 10:30. We aim to start round 1 at 1 1:00.\nFormat\nTo kick off the long weekend of nationals fun\, we have a s pecial team event! In this event\, players compete in teams of 3\, with ea ch team-mate representing a different runner and corp faction\, and team t alk is encouraged so that you can call on the expertise of your friends or blame them when everything goes wrong. The winning team will have the hon our of being President of Servers 2022!\nTo take part\, you will need to p ut together a team of three. Each of you must bring a deck from a differen t corp faction and a different runner faction (this can include mini facti ons). If you have any questions about whether your combination of IDs is o k then please post a comment / contact the TO (Paul Gillibrand). Once you have your team\, you can fill in this spreadsheet with your team members a nd who has bought the ticket (only one ticket is needed per team). If you ’re looking to join a team\, then put your name and contact details (Dis cord / Slack / email) in the right-hand side of the sheet.\nDuring the tou rnament\, teams will be paired in four swiss rounds according to their tot al prestige (calculated as normal\, i.e. 3 points per win). Teams will be seated together in prestige order and team talk is highly encouraged (roun ds will be slightly longer to accommodate this).\nThe event will be standa rd format. Decklists are not required. The team event is a 'casual' tier e vent for the purposes of judge calls and floor rules.\nPrize Support\nPart icipation: TBC\nTop 3 teams: Medals and Jakuza laser IDs on premium materi als!\nRandom drawing: Jakuza laser IDs to be drawn and given away during t he day.\nMore Information\nPatriot Games' new store has a lot more space\, and an in-store cafe. Outside food and drink is permitted\, but no alcoho l. There is a small amount of on-street parking directly outside the store \, and plenty of local car parks. The store is a 10-15 minute walk from Sh effield station.\nIf you'd like more information or help with travel / acc ommodation planning then feel free to email or join #uk-natio nals-2022 on Stimslack.\nTo help with planning travel\, accommodation\, an d things to do\, I've made a Google map with various local places highligh ted.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Buy tickets (one t icket per TEAM)


Fill in t his team spreadsheet




UK Nationals is coming b ack to Sheffield\, and being hosted in Patriot Games' gigantic new store! We're excited to welcome people back and aim to make this a fun long weeke nd of Netrunner and socialising. This is the listing for the team event\, but the overall outline of the weekend is:


Friday 25th: Team tourn ament (teams of 3)\nSaturday 26th: Main event swiss - see separate listing\nSunday 27th : Main event cut + side events (startup + classique)




The team event is on Friday 25th. The store opens at 10:00\, with reg istration from 10:30. We aim to start round 1 at 11:00.



To kick off the long weekend of nationals fun\, we have a special t eam event! In this event\, players compete in teams of 3\, with each team- mate representing a different runner and corp faction\, and team talk is e ncouraged so that you can call on the expertise of your friends or blame t hem when everything goes wrong. The winning team will have the honour of b eing President of Servers 2022!


To take part\, you will need to pu t together a team of three. Each of you must bring a deck from a different corp faction and a different runner faction (this can include mini factio ns). If you have any questions about whether your combination of IDs is ok then please post a comment / contact the TO (Paul Gillibrand). Once you h ave your team\, you can fill in thi s spreadsheet with your team members and who has bought the ticket (on ly one ticket is needed per team). If you’re looking to join a team\, th en put your name and contact details (Discord / Slack / email) in the righ t-hand side of the sheet.


During the tournament\, teams will be pa ired in four swiss rounds according to their total prestige (calculated as normal\, i.e. 3 points per win). Teams will be seated together in prestig e order and team talk is highly encouraged (rounds will be slightly longer to accommodate this).


The event will be standard format. Decklists ar e not required. The team event is a 'casual' tier event for the purposes o f judge calls and floor rules.


Prize Support


Par ticipation: TBC


Top 3 teams: Medals and Jakuza laser IDs on premium materials!


Random drawing: Jakuza laser IDs to be drawn and given away during the day.


More Information


Patriot Games' new store has a lot more space\, and an in-store cafe. Outside food and drink is permitted\, but no alcoho l. There is a small amount of on-street parking directly outside the store \, and plenty of local car parks. The store is a 10-15 minute walk from Sh effield station.


If you'd like more information or help with trave l / accommodation planning then feel free to email or join #u k-nationals-2022 on Stimslack.


To help with planning travel\, acco mmodation\, and things to do\, I've made a Goog le map with various local places highlighted.