BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3443alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220923T190000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220923T235900 URL: -startup-gnk-september LOCATION:13270 SW 131st St Unit 132\, Miami\, FL 33186\, USA SUMMARY:Phoenix Ash Gaming Society Startup GNK - September CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Attendance is limited to 12 people\, so please sign up early!\n Startup format\, which at this point will consist of:\nSystem Gateway\nSys tem Update 2021\nAshes (Downfall and Uprising)\nBorealis (Midnight Sun)\nD on't have decks? Kevnburg has multiple startup decks built that you will b e free to use for the tournament and can print some proxies for you if you 'd like. Contact him at before the tournament and he ca n help you out.\nPrinted proxies are legal for this tournament. Hand-writt en proxies are also acceptable\, provided you can know what the card does simply from reading it. Please show me any hand-written proxies beforehand \, or just let me know of any issues you have\, and if we have any issues we will sort them out in advance.\nAttendance will be $17 at the door.\nTh e Startup Prize Kit is the prize pool.\nContact me through any of the chan nels below:\n\nphoenixashg\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Attendance is limited to 12 people\, so ple ase sign up early!


Startup format\, which at this point will consi st of:\nSystem Gateway\nSystem Update 2021\nAshes (Downfall and Uprising)\ nBorealis (Midnight Sun)


Don't have decks? Kevnburg has multiple s tartup decks built that you will be free to use for the tournament and can print some proxies for you if you'd like. Contact him at kevnburg@gmail.c om before the tournament and he can help you out.


Printed proxies are legal for this tournament. Hand-written proxies are also acceptable\, provided you can know what the card does simply from reading it. Please sh ow me any hand-written proxies beforehand\, or just let me know of any iss ues you have\, and if we have any issues we will sort them out in advance.


Attendance will be $17 at the door.\nThe Startup Prize Kit is the prize pool.


Contact me through any of the channels below:\nhttps: //\nphoenixashgamingsociety@gmail. com