BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3440alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20221022T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20221022T235900 URL: of-the-witch LOCATION:9012 Research Blvd #1\, Austin\, TX 78758\, USA SUMMARY:Hack O' Lantern III: Server of the Witch CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nRunning never dies.\nTo celebrate the spooky season\, Hack O' Lantern returns! This time with a brand new format: Costume Party! Each R unner and Corp deck will masquerade as a character from times gone by\, bu t don't be fooled!\nIf you would like to be eligible for Best Runner/Corp Costume\, follow these steps!\n\nFor each of your decks\, choose any ID fr om the game's history (there is a small banlist).\nBuild your deck as if t he chosen ID was a different faction.\nUse the Startup cardpool!\n\nWhich foul villains have been removed from consideration? So glad you asked.\nRu nner: Liza\nCorp: Titan\, PU\, IG\, Mti\, Skorpios\nAdditionally: Adam\, A pex\, and Sunny are available but have 17 influence each. Adam must start with his directives from Data &\; Destiny (no Find the Truth!)\nOf cour se\, you don't have to dress up your decks\, in which case follow normal S tartup deckbuilding rules.\nEndurance is BANNED for this event\, whether y ou dress up or not. Leave your boats at home.\nFinally\, there will be a B est (Deck) Costume contest\, for both Corp and Runner\, in which all parti cipants vote for which decks... had the best costume! A special prize will go the winners (or winner\, if someone really knocks it out of the park w ith both decks).\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Running never dies.
\nTo celebrate t he spooky season\, Hack O' Lantern returns! This time with a brand new for mat: Costume Party! Each Runner and Corp deck will masquerade as a charact er from times gone by\, but don't be fooled!
\nIf you would like to be eligible for Best Runner/Corp Costume\, follow these steps!
\nWhich foul villains have been removed from consideration? So glad you asked.\nRunner: Liza\nCorp: Titan\, PU\ , IG\, Mti\, Skorpios
\nAdditionally: Adam\, Apex\, and Sunny are av ailable but have 17 influence each. Adam must start with his directives fr om Data &\; Destiny (no Find the Truth!)
\nOf course\, you don't have to dress up your decks\, in which case follow normal Startup deckbuilding rules.
\nEndurance is BANNED for this event\, whether you dress up or not. Leave your boats at home.
\nFi nally\, there will be a Best (Deck) Costume contest\, for both Corp and Ru nner\, in which all participants vote for which decks... had the best cost ume! A special prize will go the winners (or winner\, if someone really kn ocks it out of the park with both decks).