BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3438alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20221015T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20221015T235900 URL: LOCATION:97 Mary St\, Sheffield City Centre\, Sheffield S1 4RT\, UK SUMMARY:Sheffield Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Buy Tickets\nWe’re excited to run a Netrunner Circuit Opener just a month before we host UK Nationals. Come along and play the hot deck s from Worlds\, or build your own runner and corp designed to destroy them ! Circuit Openers are casual level events but with a little bit of friendl y competition and some extra prizes thrown into the mix PLUS the chance to win a place in the end-of-year invitational!\nStructure will depend on th e number of players\, but will likely be 4 rounds of swiss followed by a t op 4 cut.\nFormat : Standard\n\nDoors open: 10:00\nRegistration starts: 10 :00\nEvent starts: 10:30\nEntry cost: £10\n\nPrize support\nTop 16\n3x Ho use of Knives alt-art cards (art by Zoe Cohen)\nTop 12\nChoice of 3x Proje ct Beale alt-art cards (art by Zoe Cohen) OR 3x Biotic Labor alt-art cards (art by Olie Boldador) – chosen in swiss seed order\nTop 8\nChoice of H ákarl 1.0 playmat (art by Jakuza) OR Tollbooth playmat (art by N. Hopkins ) – chosen in swiss seed order\n3x Simulchip alt-art cards (art by Kira Nguyen)\nTop 4\n3x Obokata Protocol alt-art cards (art by Olie Boldador)\n Champion\n(Very tiny) trophy AND an invite to the Circuit Breaker Invitati onal event (if at least 8 players)\n\nContact us\n01142731762\nevents@patr\n@patriotgamesltd\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Buy Tickets


We’r e excited to run a Netrunner Circuit Opener just a month before we host UK Nationals. Come along and play the hot decks from Worlds\, or build your own runner and corp designed to destroy them! Circuit Openers are casual l evel events but with a little bit of friendly competition and some extra p rizes thrown into the mix PLUS the chance to win a place in the end-of-yea r invitational!


Structure will depend on the number of players\, b ut will likely be 4 rounds of swiss followed by a top 4 cut.\nFormat : Standard


Doors open: 10:00\nRegistration starts: 10:00\nEvent sta rts: 10:30\nEntry cost: £10


Prize support\nTop 16\n3x Hou se of Knives alt-art cards (art by Zoe Cohen)\nTop 12\nChoice of 3x Projec t Beale alt-art cards (art by Zoe Cohen) OR 3x Biotic Labor alt-art cards (art by Olie Boldador) – chosen in swiss seed order\nTop 8\nChoice of H ákarl 1.0 playmat (art by Jakuza) OR Tollbooth playmat (art by N. Hopkins ) – chosen in swiss seed order\n3x Simulchip alt-art cards (art by Kira Nguyen)\nTop 4\n3x Obokata Protocol alt-art cards (art by Olie Boldador)\n Champion\n(Very tiny) trophy AND an invite to the Circuit Breaker Invitati onal event (if at least 8 players)


Contact us\n01142731762 \\n@patriotgamesltd