BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3427alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20220914T191500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20220914T235900 URL: t-in-berlin LOCATION:Pauline-Staegemann-Straße 6\, 10249 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:German Nationals Prep Event in Berlin CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We are doing a prep event for german nationals. As we are start ing shortly after 19:00 we will only have time for 3 rounds max\n.\nThe pu rpose of this event is to try out your nationals/competitive standard deck s in a tournament enviroment in paper in a time limit.\nThere will be mini mal prize support if any. You'll get enough prizes at Nats \;)\nAs such th ere will be no entry fee\, except the usual 1€ to 3€ for the meet-up v enue.\nPlease still register for the event\, so I can gague how many are c oming\nYou don't need to participate at the weekend to join this event\, e veryone playing standard can join in if they're comfortable with a low lev el tournament enviroment.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We are doing a prep event for german nation als. As we are starting shortly after 19:00 we will only have time for 3 r ounds max\n.\nThe purpose of this event is to try out your nationals/compe titive standard decks in a tournament enviroment in paper in a time limit.
\nThere will be minimal prize support if any. You'll get enough pri zes at Nats \;)\nAs such there will be no entry fee\, except the usual 1 € to 3€ for the meet-up venue.
\nPlease still register f or the event\, so I can gague how many are coming\nYou don't need to participate at the weekend to join this event\, everyone playing stand ard can join in if they're comfortable with a low level tournament envirom ent.