BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3417alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20221001T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20221002T235900 URL: ip-2022 LOCATION:Żydowska 12\, 61-761 Poznań\, Poland SUMMARY:Polish National Championship 2022 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:[More info to follow]\nLast chance to win the Worlds bye :)\nNa tional Championships are held in Standard Format.\nPlease note all possibl e changes to the Standard Ban List will be enforced!\nDecklists are needed for a quick lookup. Open decklists in Top Cut.\nYou can either print your decklists and have them on you or have access to them on your PAD.\nSatur day: Swiss rounds (number dependent on how many participants we have).\nSu nday: Top Cut + Startup Side Event (will be separate on ABR)\nEntry Fee: 6 0 PLN\, 30 of which you can spend at the bar.\nThere will be non-alcoholic options and snacks.\n(pay here: or in pers on)\nThere probably will be more prizes along with the Nats kit.\nRecommen ded places for the lunch break within walking distance:\nMeat Us\nTaco Jes us\nMinisterstwo Browaru\nFat Bob Burger\nMo Bar\nWhy Thai\nQuestions: ple ase contact me via e-mail or Discord (Bookkeeper #2351)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

[More info to follow]\nLast chance to win t he Worlds bye :)


National Championships are held in Standard Forma t.\nPlease note all possible changes to the Standard Ban List will be enfo rced!


Decklists are needed for a quick lookup. Open decklists in T op Cut.\nYou can either print your decklists and have them on you or have access to them on your PAD.


Saturday: Swiss rounds (number depende nt on how many participants we have).\nSunday: Top Cut + Startup Side Even t (will be separate on ABR)


Entry Fee: 60 PLN\, 30 of which you ca n spend at the bar.\nThere will be non-alcoholic options and snacks.\n(pay here: or in person)


There probably will be more prizes along with the Nats kit.


Recommended places f or the lunch break within walking distance:\nMeat Us\nTaco Jesus\nMinister stwo Browaru\nFat Bob Burger\nMo Bar\nWhy Thai


Questions: please c ontact me via e-mail or Discord (Bookkeeper #2351)