BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3386alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230210 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230213 URL: SUMMARY:Swiss Nationals CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Cobra\n\nWe are pleased to announce the fir st ever Swiss National Championship taking place over the weekend of FEBRU ARY 10-12. 2023 in Winterthur. The event will be hosted at Quartierzentrum Gutschick-Mattenbach in Winterthur\, very close to the old town. We will have the venue for the whole weekend\, so everyone is encouraged to hang a round and socialize/play games!\nSchedule:\nFriday: team event* &\; com munity event\nSaturday: main event† &\; top cut\nSunday: side events ‡\nCovid:\nWe will follow all COVID19 regulations in place at time of th e event. (Which are currently none.) Masks will be offered at the venue.\n Food:\nDinner will be provided on Friday\, lunch will be provided on Satur day and Sunday. There will be two ticket tiers\, one with food and one wit hout. All food will be vegan with vegetarian option.\nTickets:\n3-day tick et: CHF/EUR 65\n3-day ticket (no food): CHF/EUR 50\n1-day ticket: CHF/EUR 40\n(Early bird tickets\, all tickets sold on day +5)\nPlease send your mo ney to Luke (Revolut\, PayPal or wire transfer\, see details below) and re gistration details with payment confirmation to: om\nPrizes: The official NSG nationals kit and a ton of prize support and Swiss National exclusives :O\nThe schedule\nFriday:\n13.30 registration Bo S\n14.00 start BoS\n19.00 dinner\n20.00 community event\nSaturday:\n9.00 r egistration main event\n9.30 start main event\n(lunch break after 2-3 roun ds!)\n(Top cut main event)\nSunday:\n9.00 registration startup event\n9.30 start startup event\, registration side events\n10.00 start side events\ n(lunchbreak after 4-5 rounds (SSS))\n(Finals Startup)\nPlease get in touc h if you need help finding accommodation or need any other info!\n\nBundes rat of Servers\, team of 3\, following the "\;King of Servers"\; t eam rules. No decklists required. (the rules are: standard format &\; b anlist\, every faction only once per team)\n† standard event\, double-si ded Swiss\, following Null Signal Games guidelines for competitive play an d active banlist. Decklists required.\n‡ Startup event\, single-sided Sw iss\, following Null Signal Games guidelines for competitive play. Decklis ts required.\n\nDecklists should be provided electronically to netrunner.z\nIn the unlikely case that we will break even\, any money 'earned' will be donated to Winterhilfe Schweiz\, a charity for food&\ ;shelter security.\nAlways be running!\nNicolas &\; Luke\nPayment optio ns:\nRevolut:\nPayPal: hlucasschmid\nwire transfer: details on request\nTeam registration form\nL ink\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



We are pleased to announce the first ever Swiss National Championship taking plac e over the weekend of FEBRUARY 10-12. 2023 in Winterthur. The event will b e hosted at Quartierzentrum Gutschick-Mattenbach in Winterthur\, very clos e to the old town. We will have the venue for the whole weekend\, so every one is encouraged to hang around and socialize/play games!


Schedul e:\nFriday: team event* &\; community event\nSaturday: main event† &a mp\; top cut\nSunday: side events‡


Covid:\nWe will follow all CO VID19 regulations in place at time of the event. (Which are currently none .) Masks will be offered at the venue.


Food:\nDinner will be provi ded on Friday\, lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday. There will be two ticket tiers\, one with food and one without. All food will be vega n with vegetarian option.


Tickets:\n3-day ticket: CHF/EUR 65\n3-da y ticket (no food): CHF/EUR 50\n1-day ticket: CHF/EUR 40\n(Early bird tick ets\, all tickets sold on day +5)\nPlease send your money to Luke (Revolut \, PayPal or wire transfer\, see details below) and registration details w ith payment confirmation to:


Prizes: T he official NSG nationals kit and a ton of prize support and Swiss Nationa l exclusives :O


The schedule\nFriday:\n13.30 registration BoS\n14. 00 start BoS\n19.00 dinner\n20.00 community event


Saturday:\n9.00 registration main event\n9.30 start main event\n(lunch break after 2-3 rou nds!)\n(Top cut main event)


Sunday:\n9.00 registration startup eve nt\n9.30 start startup event\, registration side events\n10.00 start side events\n(lunchbreak after 4-5 rounds (SSS))\n(Finals Startup)


Ple ase get in touch if you need help finding accommodation or need any other info!


Decklists should b e provided electronically to


In the un likely case that we will break even\, any money 'earned' will be donated t o Winterhilfe Schweiz\, a charity for food&\;shelter security.


Always be running!\nNicolas &\; Luke


Payment options:\nRevolut:\nPayPal:\ nwire transfer: details on request


Team registration form\nLink