BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3378alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20220912T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20220912T235900 URL: z LOCATION:Bechelstraße 23\, 56073 Koblenz\, Germany SUMMARY:Netrunner gaming at Koblenz CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The release of Borealis brought fresh air and new players into the community\, so here at Koblenz\, we are rebooting as well :-)\nSo far we are four players and we meet on Monday\, September 12th at 17 in Restau rant OM\, Koblenz\, Bechelstraße 23.\nWe will play some rounds of Android Netrunner and we are open for different formats\, I even have a draft cub e.\nOne player will bring Big Boy's teaching decks\, so if you are a new p layer\, you can come around without your own cards and explore the game wi th those decks.\nOr if you want to playtest your competitive standard deck s for the German Nationals\, I can prepare some standard decks to challeng e you.\nIn any case\, it is important to send me an email beforehand to we\, so I can prepare appropriate decks.\nI have some pro mo cards as a present for new players.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The release of Borealis brought fresh air a nd new players into the community\, so here at Koblenz\, we are rebooting as well :-)
\nSo far we are four players and we meet on Monday\, Sep tember 12th at 17 in Restaurant OM\, Koblenz\, Bechelstraße 23.\nWe will play some rounds of Android Netrunner and we are open for different format s\, I even have a draft cube.\nOne player will bring Big Boy's teaching de cks\, so if you are a new player\, you can come around without your own ca rds and explore the game with those decks.\nOr if you want to playtest you r competitive standard decks for the German Nationals\, I can prepare some standard decks to challenge you.
\nIn any case\, it is important to send me an email beforehand to\, so I can prepare a ppropriate decks.
\nI have some promo cards as a present for new pla yers.