BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3357alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20220730T133000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20220730T235900 URL: LOCATION:17\, 99 Jones Street Corner of Macarthur and Jones\, Ultimo NSW 20 07\, Australia SUMMARY:Sydney (Re)Startup GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Let's say hello and goodbye to the pre-Midnight Sun Startup and test the waters with a sneaky little GNK.\nLocation: Behold Games in Ulti mo\, from 1pm Saturday 30th July.\nEntry: $10\nTournament: Three (or so) r ounds of Swiss\, no cut.\nPrizing: Prize draft of Startup-legal cards from the last two years of missed events\, as well as a few Tollbooth\, Artist and miscellaneous mats. If anyone does not own a playmat by the end of th is event I will deem it a failure.\nFormat: The last hurrah of Startup bef ore Midnight Sun arrives and changes everything. Legal sets are:\nSystem U pdate 2021\nSystem Gateway\nDownfall\nUprising\nMidnight Sun Booster Pack\ nIf you're excited for the new cards already\, we'll be running a Circuit Opener later in the year once the physical cards get down to us here in th e colonies.\nWhile it's great to see some familiar faces\, we want this to be as open as possible to new or lapsed players. This is a casual\, inclu sive event and as always with NISEI\, proxies are tournament-legal. If you 're new\, unsure of the format\, want someone to lend you some decks\, or all of the above - send me a message and we'll get you on the right run.\n In keeping with the caution of the moment and to be as inclusive as possib le\, masks will be strongly encouraged on the day - we will have some disp osables and sanitiser available\, but do be aware that Behold Games is a p ublic store.\nRSVP ESSENTIAL! Table space is going to be an evolving commo dity\, so please be as clear with attendance as possible. Plans always cha nge\, of course\, but I do want to make sure we've got space for everyone. \n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Let's say hello and goodbye to the pre-Midn ight Sun Startup and test the waters with a sneaky little GNK.
\nLoc ation: Behold Games in Ultimo\, from 1pm Saturday 30th July.\nEntry: $10\n Tournament: Three (or so) rounds of Swiss\, no cut.
\nPrizing: Prize draft of Startup-legal cards from the last two years of missed events\, a s well as a few Tollbooth\, Artist and miscellaneous mats. If anyone does not own a playmat by the end of this event I will deem it a failure.
\nFormat: The last hurrah of Startup before Midnight Sun arrives and chan ges everything. Legal sets are:
\nSystem Update 2021\nSystem Gateway \nDownfall\nUprising\nMidnight Sun Booster Pack
\nIf you're excited for the new cards already\, we'll be running a Circuit Opener later in the year once the physical cards get down to us here in the colonies.
\nWhile it's great to see some familiar faces\, we want this to be as open as possible to new or lapsed players. This is a casual\, inclusive event a nd as always with NISEI\, proxies are tournament-legal. If you're new\, un sure of the format\, want someone to lend you some decks\, or all of the a bove - send me a message and we'll get you on the right run.
\nIn ke eping with the caution of the moment and to be as inclusive as possible\, masks will be strongly encouraged on the day - we will have some disposabl es and sanitiser available\, but do be aware that Behold Games is a public store.
\nRSVP ESSENTIAL! Table space is going to be an evolving com modity\, so please be as clear with attendance as possible. Plans always c hange\, of course\, but I do want to make sure we've got space for everyon e.