BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3353alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20220820T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20220820T235900 URL: uit-opener-in-bern LOCATION:Rathausgasse 52\, 3011 Bern\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Environmental Testing - Circuit Opener in Bern CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Environmental Testing - Circuit Opener in Bern\nStart-Up Tourna ment in the Dragon's Lair in Bern\nAll Netrunner players located in Switze rland are welcome\, as are our friends from the “Regional Meta”\nThe F ormat Start-Up is especially Beginner-friendly because of the limited Card Pool\, so if you are new to Netrunner or just reentering the game again: this is perfect for you. And don't be afraid of more experienced players o r of the competitive setting. We are a friendly bunch of people and a tour nament is a great way to get into the spirit of Netrunner. If you don't ha ve a lot of experience and need help beforehand\, look me up on discord an d ping me (link to the discordserver is below)\nTimetable\nThere will be a number of Swiss rounds acording to players\, no cut. Format is Start-Up c oncerning NISEI Rules. Please note that the new Cards from the Midnight Su n Cycle are legal\n\n\nRegistration starts at 10.00\, Saturday August 20th \nFirst Round of 65 min starts at 11:00\nThere will be a lunch break after two rounds (probably best if you bring something along\, no free lunch)\n \n\nEntry fee\nPlease pay the fee of 10 CHF or Euros in advance via digita l means (bank transfer\, Twint) or in cash on the day. Ask me for my bank details if needed\nRequirements\n\n1 Corp and 1 Runner Startup deck\n\nImp ortant links and information\n-->\;Swiss Disord Server\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
A ll Netrunner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our frien ds from the “Regional Meta”
\nThe Format Start-Up is especially Beginner-friendly because of the limited Card Pool\, so if you are new to Netrunner or just reentering the game again: this is perfect for you. And don't be afraid of more experienced players or of the competitive setting. We are a friendly bunch of people and a tournament is a great way to get into the spirit of Netrunner. If you don't have a lot of experience and ne ed help beforehand\, look me up on discord and ping me (link to the discor dserver is below)
\nThere will be a number of Sw iss rounds acording to players\, no cut. Format is Start-Up concerning NISEI Ru les. Please note that the new Cards from the Midnight Sun Cycle are legal< /p>\n
Please pay th e fee of 10 CHF or Euros in advance via digital means (bank transfer\, Twi nt) or in cash on the day. Ask me for my bank details if needed
\n-->\;Swiss Disord Server