BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3352alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220916 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220919 URL: view LOCATION:Egidienpl. 23\, 90403 Nürnberg\, Germany SUMMARY:German Nationals 2022: Overview CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is the overview page for German Nationals.\nCovid 19\nWe w ere contacted by a Runner interested in joining the tournament and asking regarding COVID-19 safety. After an internal discussion we decided on the following procedure:\n2G plus test: To join the tournament we expect the p roof of a complete COVID-19 vaccination or a recovery. In addition a COVID -19 antigen test from that day is required. Tests free of charge will be m ade available at the venue.\nBased on this wearing of a mask is not requir ed.\nRegistration\nRegistration for the Netrunner German Nationals 2022 is now open.\nTickets are on sale for €35 until September 15th\, pre-payme nt is vastly preferred over cash :)\n(You will be able to purchase tickets tickets on-site for €40)\nThis includes entry for all 3 days of the tou rnament\, as well as all side events.\nBesides the national Prizes from Ni sei we will have some exclusiv Preises for this event. They are currently in development so we can't speak about them yet! On top there will be priz es for every event!\nSee you in Nuremberg!\nEvent Overview\n\nFri 16-Sep-2 022 from 13:00: King of Servers / König von Deutschland &\; afterwards Artist &\; Trading Bazar\nSat 17-Sep-2022: Main Events Swiss &\; Ev ening Event\n\nSun 18-Sep-2020 to 18:00: Top Cut &\; StartUp &\; Pod s\n\nDetails Times\n\n\nFri 16-Sep\n-- 13:00 Registration opens\n-- 14:0 0 König von Deutschland Starts\n-- 18:00 Break 1 h\n-- 20:00 Events End s\n-- 20:00 Artist &\; Trading Bazar Starts\n\n\nSat 17-Sep\n-- 09:00 Registration opens\n-- 10:00 Main Event (Standard) Starts\n-- 15:00 Regist ration for StartUp Starts\n-- 18:30 Events End\n-- 20:00 Saturday Evening Events Starts\n\n\nSun 18-Sep\n-- 08:30 Registration opens\n-- 09:00 Start Up Event Starts\n-- 09:30 Registration Top 8 Starts\n-- 10:00 Top 8 Starts \n-- 17:00 StartUp Swiss End &\; Start Top 3 Cut\n-- 18:00 Top 3 Cut En ds &\; Event Ends\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This is the overview page for German Nation als.


Covid 19


We were contacted by a Runner interested i n joining the tournament and asking regarding COVID-19 safety. After an in ternal discussion we decided on the following procedure:


2G plus t est: To join the tournament we expect the proof of a complete COVID-19 vac cination or a recovery. In addition a COVID-19 antigen test from that day is required. Tests free of charge will be made available at the venue.\nBa sed on this wearing of a mask is not required.



\ n

Registration for the Netrunner German Nationals 2022 is now open.

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Tickets are on sale for €35 until September 15th\, pre-payment is va stly preferred over cash :)\n(You will be able to purchase tickets tickets on-site for €40)


This includes entry for all 3 days of the tour nament\, as well as all side events.


Besides the national Prizes f rom Nisei we will have some exclusiv Preises for this event. They are curr ently in development so we can't speak about them yet! On top there will b e prizes for every event!


See you in Nuremberg!


Event Ove rview


D etails Times