BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3349alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20220827T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20220827T235900 URL: at-silver-goblin LOCATION:372 Saint-Catherine St W #216\, Montreal\, QC H3B 1A2\, Canada SUMMARY:Montreal Circuit Opener #2 at Silver Goblin CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:With Midnight Sun's release around the corner\, now is a great time to have Montreal's Second 2022 Circuit Opener!\nWe've once again rece ived the blessing of the Silver Goblin and we hope to see a lot of you the re.\nAs per NISEI rules\, this event has a chance to last for 4 rounds and a top 4 cut if we're more than 15 players.\nWe'll be using the basic Circ uit Opener prize kit (see details here: the-2022-circuit-openers/):\n\nWinner: Invitation to the Circuit Breaker I nvitational Championship. (Details forthcoming\, provisionally to take pla ce Q4 2022. Only valid for events with 8 players or more.)\nTop 2: Hákarl 1.0 playmat (Jakuza).\nTop 4: 3× Obokata Protocol (Olie Boldador).\nTop 8: 3× Simulchip (Kira Nguyen).\n\nQuestions:\nWhat format will we be usin g? This tournament will be using the Standard card pool at the time of the event.\nBut I don't know Standard at all? Hey\, you probably won't be alo ne\, and even the people who DO play Standard will be very out of practice and learning new cards. Don't forget\, proxying is entirely legal\, so Ne tdeck and print!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

With Midnight Sun's release around the corn er\, now is a great time to have Montreal's Second 2022 Circuit Opener!


We've once again received the blessing of the Silver Goblin and we h ope to see a lot of you there.


As per NISEI rules\, this event has a chance to last for 4 rounds and a top 4 cut if we're more than 15 playe rs.


We'll be using the basic Circuit Opener prize kit (see details here:

\n \n

Questions:\nWhat for mat will we be using? This tournament will be using the Standard card pool at the time of the event.


But I don't know Standard at all? Hey\, you probably won't be alone\, and even the people who DO play Standard wi ll be very out of practice and learning new cards. Don't forget\, proxying is entirely legal\, so Netdeck and print!