BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3338alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20220717T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20220717T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Circuit Opener Zürich CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Dear runners\nCome one\, come all I welcome you to this communi ty meetup and casual tournament on 17.07. in Zürich. I am happy to say th at we will have the nice place at Heinrichstrasse 238 near Hardbrücke\, a gain. The room is at entrance C of the building! (on the back)\nEntry fee: CHF 15\nFormat: Startup + Midnight Sun Booster pack\nStructure: double-si ded Swiss\, 4 rounds\nDoors &\; registration: 9.30\nLast call: 10.00\nS tart: 10:15\nEnd: approx. 18.00\nAlso: please be aware that Startup legali ty is different to Standard legality! For instance\, Cayambe City Grid and Gold Farmer are legal in Startup.\nIf you have any questions\, contact me via email or phone\, Threema\, discord\, what have you!\nLooking forward to seeing all of you!\nLuke\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Dear runners
\nCome one\, come all I welcome you to this community meetup and casual tournament on 17.07. in Z ürich. I am happy to say that we will have the nice place at Heinrichstra sse 238 near Hardbrücke\, again. The room is at entrance C of the buildin g! (on the back)
\nEntry fee: CHF 15\nFormat: Startup + Midnight Sun Booster pack\nStructure: double-sided Swiss\, 4 rounds
\nDoors & \; registration: 9.30\nLast call: 10.00\nStart: 10:15\nEnd: approx. 18.00< /p>\n
Also: please be aware that Startup legality is different to Standa rd legality! For instance\, Cayambe City Grid and Gold Farmer are legal in Startup.
\nIf you have any questions\, contact me via email or phon e\, Threema\, discord\, what have you!
\nLooking forward to seeing a ll of you!