BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3331alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220724T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220724T235900 URL: 2 LOCATION:100 Ballards Ln\, London N3 2DN\, UK SUMMARY:Leisure Games GNK July 2022 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The Midnight Sun is rising on Friday 22nd July\, so the Sunday immediately after is going to be our next GNK!\nAttendance is limited to 1 2 people\, so please sign up early!\nStartup format\, which at that point will consist of:\nSystem Gateway\nSystem Update 2021\nAshes (Downfall and Uprising)\nBorealis (Midnight Sun)\nYou are unlikely to own any Midnight S un cards\, so please have your printers at the ready! Hand-written proxies are also acceptable\, provided you can know what the card does simply fro m reading it. Please show me any hand-written proxies beforehand\, or just let me know of any issues you have\, and if we have any issues we will so rt them in advance.\nYou can find the schedule for previews at the followi ng link\, and all the cards should be on NRDB on the Friday or Saturday ea sy to go!\n\nAtten dance will be £5 on the door.\nThe Startup prize kit will be the main pri ze pack with a few extras thrown in for good measure listed below. Everybo dy will be leaving with prizes\, your place just gets you first pick on st uff.\nContact me through any of the channels below.\nSlack: https://stimsl (Head to #thamesidedeckclub and/or find @Tamijo.) \nDiscord: (Find Tamijo#1396.)\nYou can also email me at ya\, and hopefully I'll remember to check it before we s tart.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The Midnight Sun is rising on Friday 22nd J uly\, so the Sunday immediately after is going to be our next GNK!


Attendance is limited to 12 people\, so please sign up early!


Sta rtup format\, which at that point will consist of:\nSystem Gateway\nSystem Update 2021\nAshes (Downfall and Uprising)\nBorealis (Midnight Sun)


You are unlikely to own any Midnight Sun cards\, so please have your pr inters at the ready! Hand-written proxies are also acceptable\, provided y ou can know what the card does simply from reading it. Please show me any hand-written proxies beforehand\, or just let me know of any issues you ha ve\, and if we have any issues we will sort them in advance.


You c an find the schedule for previews at the following link\, and all the card s should be on NRDB on the Friday or Saturday easy to go!\nhttps://nisei.n et/blog/welcome-to-midnight-sun-previews/


Attendance will be £5 o n the door.\nThe Startup prize kit will be the main prize pack with a few extras thrown in for good measure listed below. Everybody will be leaving with prizes\, your place just gets you first pick on stuff.\nContact me th rough any of the channels below.


Slack: https://stimslackinvite.he (Head to #thamesidedeckclub and/or find @Tamijo.)\nDiscord: d (Find Tamijo#1396.)\nYou can also email me at yamijoey@hotma\, and hopefully I'll remember to check it before we start.