BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3326alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20220904T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20220904T235900 URL: ampionship LOCATION:L1/278 Collins St\, Melbourne VIC 3000\, Australia SUMMARY:2022 Australian STARTUP Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Tickets\nTickets are $30 at Eventbrite. Your ticket admits you to this event and Saturday's Standard tournament.\nSafety First\nKN95 mask s will be provided\, and required for all Netrunner players. We think this is a measure which most players can reasonably take to minimise risks to themselves and others.\nRefunds are available until 24 hours before the e vent starts.\nTiming\n10:00 - registration\n11:00 - round 1\n12:00 - round 2\n13:00 - round 3\n14:00 - lunch break\n15:00 - round 4\n16:00 - round 5 \n17:00 - round 6\n18:00 - day 2 over\nNetrunner\nNetrunner is an asymmetr ical 2-player card game in which hackers face off against megacorps in a c yber-noir dystopia. It was a WOTC CCG from 1996 to 1999\, and a FFG LCG fr om 2012 to 2018. It lives on as an LCG published by NISEI.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Tickets are $30 at Eventbrite. Your ticket admits you to this event and Sat urday's Standard tournament.
\nKN95 masks wil l be provided\, and required for all Netrunner players. We think this is a measure which most players can reasonably take to minimise risks to them selves and others.\nRefunds are available until 24 hours before the event starts.
\n10:00 - registration\n11:00 - round 1\n12 :00 - round 2\n13:00 - round 3\n14:00 - lunch break\n15:00 - round 4\n16:0 0 - round 5\n17:00 - round 6\n18:00 - day 2 over
\nNetrunner is an asymmetrical 2-player card game in which hackers face o ff against megacorps in a cyber-noir dystopia. It was a WOTC CCG from 1996 to 1999\, and a FFG LCG from 2012 to 2018. It lives on as an LCG publishe d by NISEI.