BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3325alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20220903T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20220904T235900 URL: ip LOCATION:L1/278 Collins St\, Melbourne VIC 3000\, Australia SUMMARY:2022 Australian Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The 2022 Australian championship includes 2 events over 2 days. \nOn Saturday\, players will compete in single-sided Swiss rounds\, with t he top 8 players proceeding to an elimination bracket on Sunday to name th e 2022 Australian champion. On Sunday a casual tournament in Startup form at will run alongside the elimination bracket. Your ticket includes entry to both events\, and players may 'drop' or leave the tournament at any tim e.\nTickets\nTickets are $30 at Eventbrite. Your ticket admits you to this event and Startup side event.\nJackpot!\nPrizes for the 2022 national cha mpionship include:\nWinner: 2022 World Championship Bye\nTop 2: Invitation to the Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship\nTop 8: Resistance Playm at (Dominique van Velsen)\nTop 16: Top Cut Enamel Pin\nTop 32: 3× Aniccam (Dominique van Velsen)\nTop 64: 3x Drafter (Scott Uminga)\nAll day 1 atte ndees will receive a copy of @lukevanryn's alt-art No-One Home. All day 2 attendees will receive a set of @lukevanryn's alt-art Overclock. Further\, Plenty of Games will add store credit to the prize pool based on the numb er of attendees.\nSafety First\nKN95 masks will be provided\, and required for all Netrunner players. We think this is a measure which most players can reasonably take to minimise risks to themselves and others.\nRefunds are available until 24 hours before the event starts.\nSaturday: Standard format\nPre-game\n09:00 - social breakfast at Café Issus\nTiming\n10:00 - check-in opens\n10:30 - check-in closes\n11:00 - round 1\n11:45 - round 2 \n12:30 - round 3\n13:15 - round 4\n14:00 - lunch break (45 minutes)\n15:4 5 - round 5\n15:30 - round 6\n16:15 - round 7\n17:00 - round 8\n17:45 - da y 1 over. Top Cut participants announced.\nSaturday evening: social event\ nAll are welcome to gather for dinner and drinks on Saturday night. Detail s to follow.\nSunday: Top cut and Startup tournament\n09:00 - social break fast at Café Issus\n10:00 - check-in opens\n10:30 - check-in closes\n11:0 0 - round 1\n11:45 - round 2\n12:30 - round 3\n13:15 - round 4\n14:00 - lu nch break\n14:45 - round 5\n15:30 - round 6\n16:15 - round 7\n17:00 - roun d 8\n17:45 - day 2 over\nSunday evening: social event\nAll are welcome to gather for dinner and drinks on Sunday night. Details to follow.\nNetrunne r\nNetrunner is an asymmetrical 2-player card game in which hackers face o ff against megacorps in a cyber-noir dystopia. It was a WOTC CCG from 1996 to 1999\, and a FFG LCG from 2012 to 2018. It lives on as an LCG publishe d by NISEI.\nNISEI\nNISEI is the not-for-profit collective that has been d esigning\, publishing and organizing events for Netrunner since Fantasy Fl ight Games' licence expired in 2018.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The 2022 Australian championship includes 2 events over 2 days.\nOn Saturday\, players will compete in single-sided S wiss rounds\, with the top 8 players proceeding to an elimination bracket on Sunday to name the 2022 Australian champion. On Sunday a casual tourna ment in Startup format will run alongside the elimination bracket. Your ti cket includes entry to both events\, and players may 'drop' or leave the t ournament at any time.
\nTickets are $30 at Eventbrite. Your ticket admits you to this event and Sta rtup side event.
\nPrizes for the 2022 national c hampionship include:\nWinner: 2022 World Championship Bye\nTop 2: Invitati on to the Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship\nTop 8: Resistance Pla ymat (Dominique van Velsen)\nTop 16: Top Cut Enamel Pin\nTop 32: 3× Anicc am (Dominique van Velsen)\nTop 64: 3x Drafter (Scott Uminga)\nAll day 1 at tendees will receive a copy of @lukevanryn's alt-art No-One Home. All day 2 attendees will receive a set of @lukevanryn's alt-art Overclock. Further \, Plenty of Games will add store credit to the prize pool based on the nu mber of attendees.
\nKN95 masks will be provi ded\, and required for all Netrunner players. We think this is a measure which most players can reasonably take to minimise risks to themselves and others.\nRefunds are available until 24 hours before the event starts.
\n09:00 - socia l breakfast at Café Issus
\n10:00 - check-in opens\n10:30 - check-in closes\n11:00 - round 1\n11:45 - round 2\n12:30 - round 3\n13:1 5 - round 4\n14:00 - lunch break (45 minutes)\n15:45 - round 5\n15:30 - ro und 6\n16:15 - round 7\n17:00 - round 8\n17:45 - day 1 over. Top Cut parti cipants announced.
\nAll ar e welcome to gather for dinner and drinks on Saturday night. Details to fo llow.
\n09:00 - soc ial breakfast at Café Issus\n10:00 - check-in opens\n10:30 - check-in closes\n11: 00 - round 1\n11:45 - round 2\n12:30 - round 3\n13:15 - round 4\n14:00 - l unch break\n14:45 - round 5\n15:30 - round 6\n16:15 - round 7\n17:00 - rou nd 8\n17:45 - day 2 over
\nAl l are welcome to gather for dinner and drinks on Sunday night. Details to follow.
\nNetrunner is an asymmetrical 2-player card game in which hackers face off against megacorps in a cyber-noir dyst opia. It was a WOTC CCG from 1996 to 1999\, and a FFG LCG from 2012 to 201 8. It lives on as an LCG published by NISEI.
\nNISEI is the not-for-profit collective that has been designing\, publishing and organizing events for Netrunner since Fantasy Flight Games' licence expir ed in 2018.