BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3324alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Prague:20221112T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Prague:20221112T235900 URL: p-2022 LOCATION:Vídeňská 80\, 639 00 Brno-střed\, Czechia SUMMARY:Czech National Championship 2022 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\ lets hurry to join our CZ Nats to play best game on this and all other planets! :)\nThere will be 4 rounds of swiss following with TOP 4 cut\, but depending on number of attendees (TOP 4 needs 16+ players ). This event is a 'competitive' tier event for the purposes of judge call s and floor rules.\nRounds will be 65 minutes\, possible tiebrekers 30 min utes and non-final cut games will be 40 minutes.\nDecklists are required\, please bring written lists with you or send it by e-mail to adress of TO: krasty23 (at)\nProxies and alt arts are allowed\, as long as t hey are sleeved and readable (printed) and have about the same thickness a s the official cards. But please be considerate to your opponents when bui lding your decks and stick mostly to official arts where possible.\nIn ord er to avoid distributing BYE during games the TO will play only to even th e number of players.\nDoors open: 10:30\, followed by registration.\nTourn ament start: 11:00 (!)\nPrize: 400 CZK or 15 EUR (accepting cash in advanc e or PayPal)\nDrinks and food are possible to buy (they are accepting cred it cards) in a venue! Please do not bring food from outside to the venue.\ n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\ lets hurry to join our CZ Nats to p
lay best game on this and all other planets! :)
There will be 4 ro unds of swiss following with TOP 4 cut\, but depending on number of attend ees (TOP 4 needs 16+ players). This event is a 'competitive' tier event fo r the purposes of judge calls and floor rules.
\nRounds will be 65 m inutes\, possible tiebrekers 30 minutes and non-final cut games will be 40 minutes.
\nDecklists are required\, please bring written lists with you or send it by e-mail to adress of TO: krasty23 (at)
\n< p>Proxies and alt arts are allowed\, as long as they are sleeved and reada ble (printed) and have about the same thickness as the official cards. But please be considerate to your opponents when building your decks and stic k mostly to official arts where possible.\nIn order to avoid distri buting BYE during games the TO will play only to even the number of player s.
\nDoors open: 10:30\, followed by registration.\nTournament start : 11:00 (!)\nPrize: 400 CZK or 15 EUR (accepting cash in advance or PayPal)
\nDrinks an d food are possible to buy (they are accepting credit cards) in a venue! P lease do not bring food from outside to the venue.