BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3322alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220710 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220711 URL: 22 LOCATION:Strzelecka 13/1\, 61-845 Poznań\, Poland SUMMARY:Poznań Store Champs July 2022 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We invite Netrunner players to Poznań for Nisei S* Championshi ps. All are welcome.\n*Is it Store? Is it Sector? Is it something else? Ei ther way\, will be fun!\nTimed before Midnight Sun release\, we’re sayin g goodbye to the old meta! Last chance to play some of your favourite card s competitively before they rotate out.\nDate: 2022-07-10 (Sunday)\nFormat : Nisei Standard.\nVenue: Kosteczka Pub\, Strzelecka 13/1\, 61-845 Poznań \nSchedule:\nRegistration: 10:00 AM\nStart: 10:30 AM\n4 or 5 swiss rounds +possible top cut or a final\, dependent on the number of participants\nRo und limit: 65 min\nEntry fee: 45 PLN\, of which 20 you can spend at the ba r.\n or at registration.\nPlease register on ABR or let me know you’ll be attending so that we have an estimated num ber of contestants. We expect around 12 people so this is crucial to coord inate with the venue.\nDecklists: Please have your decklists available for the organisers to view (no need to print them\, mobile notes and emailing files will be fine).\nProxies: Proxies are allowed\; please make them und erstandable for your opponent\, even if they don’t remember the card (fu ll text and stats such as trash cost are necessary). I’ll have some temp lates for you to write proxies\, if needed.\nPrizes: we’re using the 202 0 Store Championship Kit that wasn’t used because of the pandemic.\nTop 4: Tollbooth playmat\nTop 8: Project Beale\nTop 16/entry: House of Knives\ nEntry: I’ve Had Worse alt art by Oli F/Evilpyro_24\nTop 8 players can s wap their set of Beales for a Valencia or Geist acrylic ID by Jakuza.\nThe event is Casual &\; Sanctioned\, according to Nisei policies (this mea ns we have strict rules of distributing the prizes but the organisers can take part in the game). Additional judges will be appointed at the event.\ nQuestions: find Bookkeeper on Discord or e-mail me.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We invite Netrunner players to Poznań for Nisei S* Championships. All are welcome.\n*Is it Store? Is it Sector? Is i t something else? Either way\, will be fun!


Timed before Midnight Sun release\, we’re saying goodbye to the old meta! Last chance to play some of your favourite cards competitively before they rotate out.


Date: 2022-07-10 (Sunday)\nFormat: Nisei Standard.\nVenue: Kosteczka Pub\ , Strzelecka 13/1\, 61-845 Poznań


Schedule:\nRegistration: 10:00 AM\nStart: 10:30 AM\n4 or 5 swiss rounds +possible top cut or a final\, de pendent on the number of participants


Round limit: 65 min


Entry fee: 45 PLN\, of which 20 you can spend at the bar.\nhttps://paypal. me/JakubEichler or at registration.


Please register on ABR or let me know you’ll be attending so that we have an estimated number of conte stants. We expect around 12 people so this is crucial to coordinate with t he venue.


Decklists: Please have your decklists available for the organisers to view (no need to print them\, mobile notes and emailing file s will be fine).


Proxies: Proxies are allowed\; please make them u nderstandable for your opponent\, even if they don’t remember the card ( full text and stats such as trash cost are necessary). I’ll have some te mplates for you to write proxies\, if needed.


Prizes: we’re usin g the 2020 Store Championship Kit that wasn’t used because of the pandem ic.\nTop 4: Tollbooth playmat\nTop 8: Project Beale\nTop 16/entry: House o f Knives\nEntry: I’ve Had Worse alt art by Oli F/Evilpyro_24\nTop 8 play ers can swap their set of Beales for a Valencia or Geist acrylic ID by Jak uza.


The event is Casual &\; Sanctioned\, according to Nisei po licies (this means we have strict rules of distributing the prizes but the organisers can take part in the game). Additional judges will be appointe d at the event.


Questions: find Bookkeeper on Discord or e-mail me .