BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3318alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220730T104500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220730T235900 URL: on LOCATION:88 London Rd\, Brighton BN1 4JF\, UK SUMMARY:Brighton CO 2022 - Dice Saloon CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Brighton CO 2022\nFormat: Standard\nDate: 30th July 2022\nCalli ng all runners for the Brighton 2022 Circuit Opener at Dice Saloon. This w ill be a Standard format event running over 4/5 Swiss rounds dependent on numbers. We'll then cut to T3/4.\nRegistration: 10:00am\nFirst Round: 10:4 5am\nNo decklists required.\nALERT NISEI's latest release Midnight Sun is due to drop on 22nd July. If this goes ahead we will be operating with the new cards and under any new banlist that is provided. As per NISEI rules\ , proxies of these cards are permitted as it is unlikely we will have rece ived orders before this date. Please refer to NISEI Organised Play policie s for the guidelines on acceptable proxies for tournament play. Any questi ons please contact me directly or via Stimslack as @bin arydogs\nWe'll aim to break for lunch after Round 2. Dice Saloon are fully licensed and provide oven baked fresh pizza's.\nTickets are priced at £5 and available directly via Dice Saloon website at the link below or can b e purchased on the day. Prices fully cover our use of the card gaming spac e for the day. All prizing is as per a single 2022 CO box set and any addi tional prizing will be confirmed on the day.\nPlease note that this event is capped at 32 players\, so purchasing a ticket in advance is strongly re commended.\n 07-22\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Brighton CO 2022\nFormat: Standard\nDate: 3 0th July 2022


Calling all runners for the Brighton 2022 Circuit Op ener at Dice Saloon. This will be a Standard format event running over 4/5 Swiss rounds dependent on numbers. We'll then cut to T3/4.


Regist ration: 10:00am\nFirst Round: 10:45am


No decklists required.


ALERT NISEI's latest release Midnight Sun is due to dr op on 22nd July. If this goes ahead we will be operating with the new card s and under any new banlist that is provided. As per NISEI rules\, proxies of these cards are permitted as it is unlikely we will have received orde rs before this date. Please refer to NISEI Organised Play policies for the guidelines on acceptable proxies for tournament play. Any questions pleas e contact me directly or via Stimslack as @binarydogs\n

We'll aim to break for lunch after Round 2. Dice Saloon are fully l icensed and provide oven baked fresh pizza's.


Tickets are priced a t £5 and available directly via Dice Saloon website at the link below or can be purchased on the day. Prices fully cover our use of the card gaming space for the day. All prizing is as per a single 2022 CO box set and any additional prizing will be confirmed on the day.


Please note that this event is capped at 32 players\, so purchasing a ticket in advance is strongly recommended.

\n -circuit-opener-30-07-22