BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3317alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220806 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220807 URL: pener SUMMARY:Fresh Air Online Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Fresh Air Online Circuit Opener\nOnline circuit opener open to all players\, but targeted specifically for AU/NZ time-zones. This is the place to experience fresh card pool jank online.\nThe tournament will take place on the NISEI online event discord:\nEnt ry\nEntry will be payable via Eventbrite. The cost is is $15 NZD + the eve ntbrite free ($1.20) (roughly 13.5 AUD\, or 10.5 USD). This includes posta ge for any prizes\, so long as you don't live in Antarctica.\nBuy a ticket here\nFormat\nWe will use the midnight sun card pool\, and will use the l atest SBL\, so long as it is released at least 48 hours prior to the start of the event.\nI'm fairly confident all the cards will be available and i mplemented on by this time\, but if that's not the case\, then this will be delayed to accommodate that.\nStart time will be noon (11:59 AM)\, NZST. (see here)\nEvent will be standard format\, double sided swis s\, and may have a cut if numbers permit.\nPrizes\nA complete 2022 Circuit Opener kit will be offered as the standard prize. In addition to the sta ndard Circuit Opener kit\, there will be a special participation prize - a spicy alt-art copy of Artificial Cryptocrash. Everybody will walk away wi th something.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
O nline circuit opener open to all players\, but targeted specifically for A U/NZ time-zones. This is the place to experience fresh card pool jank onli ne.
\nThe tournament will take place on the NISEI online event disco rd:
\nEntry will be paya ble via Eventbrite. The cost is is $15 NZD + the eventbrite free ($1.20) ( roughly 13.5 AUD\, or 10.5 USD). This includes postage for any prizes\, so long as you don't live in Antarctica.
\nBuy a ticket here
\nWe will use the midnight sun card pool\, and will use the latest SBL\, so long as it is released < strong>at least 48 hours prior to the start of the event.
\nI'm fairly confident all the cards will be available and impleme nted on by this time\, but if that's not the case\, then this will be delayed to accommodate that.
\nStart time will be noon (11:5 9 AM)\, NZST. (see here)
\nEvent will be standard format\, double sided swiss\, and may have a cut if numbers permit.
\nA complete 2022 Circuit Opener kit will be offered as the standard prize. In additio n to the standard Circuit Opener kit\, there will be a special partici pation prize - a spicy alt-art copy of Artificial Cryptocrash. Everyb ody will walk away with something.