BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3310alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Singapore:20220723T140000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Singapore:20220723T235900 URL: uit-opener-championship LOCATION:30 Raffles Ave\, Singapore 039803 SUMMARY:Singapore 2022 Online Circuit Opener Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Singapore NISEI Circuit Opener Championship.\nParticipation Fee : $20USD( pay via PayPal to Please include jintek i and discord nick. This includes postage for all card prizes.\nIn a bid t o lower costs for participants\, if you get your prizes shipped together t o another player’s address\, you will get $8 USD discount off your entry fee\, so you only pay $12 USD.\nAll games will be played on\ will be used for round pairing and cut.\nPlayers worldwide are we lcome to join and play\, participation price includes worldwide and local shipping for cards. Check in will commence at 1:30 pm (GMT +8) on the 23rd of July. The first round will start at 2:00 pm (GMT +8).\nThis is a Nisei Casual Standard Event (using Midnight Sun\, latest rotation).\nStandard B anlist 21.10\nThese will be 70 minute rounds.\nLegal cardpool:\nPack):\nOr der and Chaos\nData and Destiny\nMumbad Cycle\nFlashpoint Cycle\nRed Sand Cycle\nKitara Cycle\nReign &\; Reverie\nMagnum Opus Set\nSystem Gateway \nSystem Update 2021\nAshes Cycle:\nBorealis Cycle:\n\nMidnight Sun Booste r Pack\n\nNumber of rounds will be as per Nisei OP.\nFor Casual events:\n ○ Up to ​11 ​players: 3 rounds\, no cut\n○ 12-15​ players: 4 rou nds\, no cut\n○ 16-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n○ 33-64 players: 5 ro unds\, top 8\n○ 65-96 players: 6 rounds\, top 8\n○ 97-128 players: 7 r ounds\, top 8\n○ 129+ players: 7 rounds\, top 16\nCircuit Opener Prizes\ nTop 8: Playset of Simulchip\nTop 4: Playset of Obokata Protocol\nTop 2: H akarl 1.0 Playmat\nChampion: Playset of Biotic Labor\, 1x Invitation to Ci rcuit Breaker invite-only event\nLucky Draw: Playset of Biotic Labor\nIf n umber of players exceeds 16\, booster kit will be used. Additional promos will be added according to number of players.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Singapore NISEI Circuit Opener Championship .


Participation Fee: $20USD( pay via PayPal to zakath8@rocketmail. com). Please include jinteki and discord nick. This includes postage for a ll card prizes.


In a bid to lower costs for participants\, if you get your prizes shipped together to another player’s address\, you will get $8 USD discount off your entry fee\, so you only pay $12 USD.


All games will be played on

\n will be used for round pairing and cut.


Players worldwide are welcome to join and p lay\, participation price includes worldwide and local shipping for cards. Check in will commence at 1:30 pm (GMT +8) on the 23rd of July. The first round will start at 2:00 pm (GMT +8).


This is a Nisei Casual Stan dard Event (using Midnight Sun\, latest rotation).\nStandard Banlist 21.10


These will be 70 minute rounds.


Legal cardpool:


P ack):


Order and Chaos\nData and Destiny\nMumbad Cycle\nFlashpoint Cycle\nRed Sand Cycle\nKitara Cycle\nReign &\; Reverie\nMagnum Opus Set \nSystem Gateway\nSystem Update 2021\nAshes Cycle:\nBorealis Cycle:

\n< ul>\n
  • Midnight Sun Booster Pack
  • \n\n

    Number of rounds will b e as per Nisei OP.


    For Casual events:\n○ Up to ​11 ​players: 3 rounds\, no cut\n○ 12-15​ players: 4 rounds\, no cut\n○ 16-32 pla yers: 4 rounds\, top 4\n○ 33-64 players: 5 rounds\, top 8\n○ 65-96 pla yers: 6 rounds\, top 8\n○ 97-128 players: 7 rounds\, top 8\n○ 129+ pla yers: 7 rounds\, top 16


    Circuit Opener Prizes


    Top 8: Plays et of Simulchip\nTop 4: Playset of Obokata Protocol\nTop 2: Hakarl 1.0 Pla ymat\nChampion: Playset of Biotic Labor\, 1x Invitation to Circuit Breaker invite-only event


    Lucky Draw: Playset of Biotic Labor


    If number of players exceeds 16\, booster kit will be used. Additional promos will be added according to number of players.