BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3309alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20221126T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20221127T235900 URL: nt LOCATION:97 Mary St\, Sheffield City Centre\, Sheffield S1 4RT\, UK SUMMARY:UK Nationals 2022 - main event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Buy tickets\nIntro\nUK Nationals is coming back to Sheffield\, and being hosted in Patriot Games' gigantic new store! We're excited to we lcome people back and aim to make this a fun long weekend of Netrunner and socialising. This is the listing for the main event\, but the overall out line of the weekend is:\nFriday 25th: Team tournament (teams of 3) - see s eparate listing\nSaturday 26th: Main event swiss\nSunday 27th: Main event cut + side events (startup + classique)\nTimings\nSwiss rounds of the main event will be on Saturday 26th. The store will open at 09:00\, with regis tration from 09:15. We aim to start round 1 at 10:00.\nOn the Sunday\, the store will open at 10:00 with the top cut signing in at 10:15 and the cut starting at 10:30. Side events will also start at 10:30 (you can sign up for side events during the day on the Saturday).\nFormat\nThe main event w ill be standard format. Decklists are REQUIRED and must be submitted on pa per on the day. The main event is a 'competitive' tier event for the purpo ses of judge calls and floor rules.\nThe number of Swiss rounds depends on player numbers\, but is likely to be between 5 and 7. Rounds will be 65 m inutes. We will not use the optional additional tiebreak rounds\, so cut w ill be determined on SoS and ESoS.\nProxies &\; Alt Arts\nPrinted proxi es and alt arts are allowed as long as they are legible\, approved by the TO before the event begins\, in good taste\, and indistinguishable from ot her cards when sleeved. If you do not have access to a printer\, then plea se contact the TO (Paul Gillibrand) at least 2 days before the event and h e will help with proxy printing. That said\, please be considerate to your opponents (and maybe stream viewers) when building your decks and stick m ostly to official arts where possible (whether cards or proxies). Thanks!\ nCard Sleeves\nPlease pay particular care and attention to your card sleev es to ensure they are unmarked and fully opaque (especially when using mix ed card backs) as the Nisei / Null Signal Games card backs in particular c an show through many 'opaque' sleeves. If you have any concerns about if y our sleeves are ok\, please come and chat to a judge before the event star ts. The venue will\, of course\, have suitable sleeves available to purcha se!\nPrize support\nEarly Bird: The first 80 people to buy tickets will re ceive 1 colour mark die (HQ\, R&\;D\, Archives faces) which can be used to randomise your Mark for the new Midnight Sun criminal cards.\nParticip ation: TBC special alt art for UK nationals\nTop 64: 3x Drafter alt art by Scott Uminga\nTop 32: 3x Aniccam alt art by Dominique van Velsen\nTop 16: Top cut enamel pin badge\nTop 8: Resistance playmat by Dominique van Vels en\nWinner: Custom one-of-a-kind trophy\, world Championship bye\, and inv ite to the Circuit Breaker Invitational\nSide Events\nWe will be running t wo "\;official"\; side events on the Sunday\, starting at 10:30am. Players are also welcome to organise other side events (eternal\, cube dr aft\, etc.) and we will endeavour to provide some prize support if possibl e! All side events will be 'casual' level events.\nCiara Maxey Memorial Cl assique: In this event\, players will compete in pods with pairs of curate d decks from Netrunner's past. The official list of decks (and notes on th e match-ups) will be released closer to the time. For this event\, an opti onal donation can be made to Gendered Intelligence in memory of Ciara.\nSt artup: This will be 4 rounds of Swiss using the Startup format. There will be startup-appropriate prizes\, including some very cool alt-art IDs.\nNe w players\nFor new players who are keen to come but may have not been to m any/any tournaments before or who might not be familiar with the standard format\, Guy Patching is offering to help out before the tournament (selec ting decks\, what to expect at the tournament) and on the day as a friendl y face to chat to. You can contact Guy by email on guypatching@googlemail. com or GuyPatching on Stimhack Slack or GLC Discord.\nMore Information\nPa triot Games' new store has a lot more space\, and an in-store cafe. Outsid e food and drink is permitted\, but no alcohol. There is a small amount of on-street parking directly outside the store\, and plenty of local car pa rks. The store is a 10-15 minute walk from Sheffield station.\nIf you'd li ke more information or help with travel / accommodation planning then feel free to email or join #uk-nationals-2022 on Stimslack.\nTo h elp with planning travel\, accommodation\, and things to do\, I've made a Google map with various local places highlighted.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
UK Nationals is coming back to Sheffield\, and being hosted in Patriot Games' gigantic new store! We're excited to welcom e people back and aim to make this a fun long weekend of Netrunner and soc ialising. This is the listing for the main event\, but the overall outline of the weekend is:
\nFriday 25th: Team tournament (teams of 3) - see separate listing\nSaturday 26th: Main event sw iss\nSunday 27th: Main event cut + side events (startup + classique)
\nSwiss rounds of the main event will be on Saturday 26 th. The store will open at 09:00\, with registration from 09:15. We aim to start round 1 at 10:00.
\nOn the Sunday\, the store will open at 10 :00 with the top cut signing in at 10:15 and the cut starting at 10:30. Si de events will also start at 10:30 (you can sign up for side events during the day on the Saturday).
\nThe main event will be standar d format. Decklists are REQUIRED and must be submitted on paper on the day. The main event is a 'competitive' tier event for the purposes of jud ge calls and floor rules.
\nThe number of Swiss rounds depends on pl ayer numbers\, but is likely to be between 5 and 7. Rounds will be 65 minu tes. We will not use the optional additional tiebreak rounds\, so cut will be determined on SoS and ESoS.
\nPrinted proxies and alt arts are allowed as long as they are legible\, app roved by the TO before the event begins\, in good taste\, and indistinguis hable from other cards when sleeved. If you do not have access to a printe r\, then please contact the TO (Paul Gillibrand) at least 2 days before th e event and he will help with proxy printing. That said\, please be consid erate to your opponents (and maybe stream viewers) when building your deck s and stick mostly to official arts where possible (whether cards or proxi es). Thanks!
\nPlease pay particular care and attention to your card sleeves to ensure they are unmarked and fully opaq ue (especially when using mixed card backs) as the Nisei / Null Signal Gam es card backs in particular can show through many 'opaque' sleeves. If you have any concerns about if your sleeves are ok\, please come and chat to a judge before the event starts. The venue will\, of course\, have suitabl e sleeves available to purchase!
\nE arly Bird: The first 80 people to buy tickets will receive 1 colo ur mark die (HQ\, R&\;D\, Archives faces) which can be used to randomis e your Mark for the new Midnight Sun criminal cards.
\nParti cipation: TBC special alt art for UK nationals
\nTo p 64: 3x Drafter alt art by Scott Uminga
\nTop 32:< /strong> 3x Aniccam alt art by Dominique van Velsen
\nTop 16 : Top cut enamel pin badge
\nTop 8: Resist ance playmat by Dominique van Velsen
\nWinner: Cust om one-of-a-kind trophy\, world Championship bye\, and invite to the Circu it Breaker Invitational
\nWe will be running t wo "\;official"\; side events on the Sunday\, starting at 10:30am. Players are also welcome to organise other side events (eternal\, cube dr aft\, etc.) and we will endeavour to provide some prize support if possibl e! All side events will be 'casual' level events.
\nCiara Ma xey Memorial Classique: In this event\, players will compete in p ods with pairs of curated decks from Netrunner's past. The official list o f decks (and notes on the match-ups) will be released closer to the time. For this event\, an optional donation can be made to Gendered Intelligence in memory of Ciara.
\nStartup: This will be 4 rounds of Swiss using the < a href=\"\">Sta rtup format. There will be startup-appropriate prizes\, including some very cool alt-art IDs.
\nFor new players who are keen to come but may have not been to many/any tournaments before or w ho might not be familiar with the standard format\, Guy Patching is offeri ng to help out before the tournament (selecting decks\, what to expect at the tournament) and on the day as a friendly face to chat to. You can cont act Guy by email on or GuyPatching on Stimhack Slack or GLC Discord.
\nPatriot Games' ne w store has a lot more space\, and an in-store cafe. Outside food and drin k is permitted\, but no alcohol. There is a small amount of on-street park ing directly outside the store\, and plenty of local car parks. The store is a 10-15 minute walk from Sheffield station.
\nIf you'd like more information or help with travel / accommodation planning then feel free to email or join #uk-nationals-2022 on Stimslack.
\nTo he lp with planning travel\, accommodation\, and things to do\, I've made a < a href=\" 5BbhVE&\;usp=sharing\">Google map with various local places highlighted .