BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3307alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20220716T141500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20220716T235900 URL: tartup LOCATION:James Wattstraat 73\, 1097 DL Amsterdam\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Amsterdam Circuit Opener (startup) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The term "\;store champ"\; is dead\, but netrunner is v ery much alive! We will be playing a Circuit Opener tournament in July!\nP racticalities:\n\n\nRegistration starts at 14.00\, round 1 starts at 14:15 sharp.\n\n\nThe format will be startup\, which only includes Nisei sets. The legal sets are System Gateway\, System Update\, Downfall + Uprising an d the Midnight Sun Booster.\n\n\nThere will be 3 swiss rounds of 65 minute s\, with a possible "\;finale"\; between the number 1 and 2 of swi ss.\n\n\nEntree fee is € 10. If at all possible\, pay beforehand and wir e the money to NL57 INGB 0689 9171 20\, attn David Nys\, or to paypal at d Don't forget to mention your name. A tikkie on the day a lso works.\n\n\nProxies are allowed\, as long as it is clear which card it is. Written notes in a sleeve will not be accepted.\n\n\nOutside drinks a nd food aren't allowed. The venue sells various drinks and food.\n\n\nDavi d Nys will be your TO. If you have any questions\, feel free to email davi\n\n\nPrize support:\nTop 8: 3x Simulchip\nTop 4: Obokata Pr otocol\nTop 2: Hakari playmat\nWinner: Invite to a Circuit Breaker invite only event\nAdditional prize support:\nIf we have more than 8 players\, th ose who don't reach top 8 will get an ID or playset of their choosing from the prize pool.\nThe highest ranked newcomer (their first tournament)\, w ill receive a Smoke playmat!\nCorona rules:\n\nIf you have symptoms\, plea se don't attend! Stay home\, get tested.\nWash your hands often.\nDon't to uch your opponent's cards or tokens unless you have their permission.\nIf the government changes the rules on gatherings\, we might have to postpone .\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The term "\;store champ"\; is dead\ , but netrunner is very much alive! We will be playing a Circuit Opener to urnament in July!




Prize support:

\ n

Top 8: 3x Simulchip\nTop 4: Obokata Protocol\nTop 2: Hakari playmat\nW inner: Invite to a Circuit Breaker invite only event


Addit ional prize support:


If we have more than 8 players\, tho se who don't reach top 8 will get an ID or playset of their choosing from the prize pool.


The highest ranked newcomer (their first tournamen t)\, will receive a Smoke playmat!


Corona rules:< /p>\n