BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3304alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20221105T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20221105T235900 URL: ter-punt LOCATION:Scheepvaartstraat 7\, 7411 MB Deventer\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Dutch Nationals 2022 @ Deventer PUNT CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nSaturday\, the 5th of November\, the Netrunner Nisei Nationa l Championship 2022 will take place at Deventer (PUNT\, Scheepvaartstraat 7). Please register via the TO’s e-mail address ( or https://www.\nRight now\, the main event will be d one in 1 day\, depending on attendance. Changes will be posted here.\n↳ Doors: 9.30 (until 20.30)\n↳ Start: 10.00\n↳ Fee: € 20\,-\n↳ Food: you may bring your own to eat outside or order inside at the location\n ↳ TO: Dennis de Vries / Menghini\n↳ Max: not a maximum yet…\nFor que stions or registration\, feel free to contact the TO at e-mail address: dd\n\nRules:\n↳ Decklists are required\, please bring or e-mail a written/printed list (1 Runner\, 1 Corp)\n↳ Legal: TBD\n↳ Covid-19 might be a thing or is a thing on the 5th: I'll keep this updated and take your own precautions!\n\nLoot:\n↳ Dutch Champion: Circuit Brea ker Invitational and Worlds (2023?) bye (when there are 8 players or more) \n↳ Nisei Nationals kit\n↳ For each participant to choose at least 1 a lt art\n↳ I’m working on a special PUNT-Menghini-Nisei alt art as part icipation price!\n\nTransport\nDeventer is reachable by train and Internat ional Train from Germany\, the venue will be at a 10 minute walk from the Central Station or by bus. Car parking is also available: free parking is limited and other parking is paid.\n\nOther:\n\nRounds: We will play 3-5 r ounds of Swiss (depending on attendance)\, 65 minutes rounds\, and (if it ’s necessary) followed by a Top Cut.\n\n↳ 10.00: 2 Swiss rounds\n↳ 1 2.30: lunch break\n↳ 13.15: 2 or 3 Swiss rounds\n↳ 15.00/16.00: prizes and little break\n↳ 16.00: start Top Cut\n↳ 18.30/19.00: optional din ner (time runs out at 20.30)\n\nProxies: proxies are allowed\, as long as the proxies are sleeved and readable (printed) and have about the same thi ckness as the official cards.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Saturday\, the 5th of November\, the Netrunner Nisei National Champio nship 2022 will take place at Deventer (PUNT\, Scheepvaartstraat 7). Pleas e register via the TO’s e-mail address ( or https ://www.
\nRight now\, the main event will be don e in 1 day\, depending on attendance. Changes will be posted here.
\n↳ Doors: 9.30 (until 20.30)\n↳ Start: 10.00\n↳ Fee: € 20\,-\n↳ Food: you may bring your own to eat outside or order inside at the locatio n\n↳ TO: Dennis de Vries / Menghini\n↳ Max: not a maximum yet…
\nFor questions or registration\, feel free to contact the TO at e-mail a ddress:
\n↳ Deckli sts are required\, please bring or e-mail a written/printed list (1 Runner \, 1 Corp)\n↳ Legal: TBD\n↳ Covid-19 might be a thing or is a thing on the 5th: I'll keep this updated and take your own precautions!
\n↳ Dutch Champion: Circuit Breaker Invitational and Worlds (2023?) bye (when there are 8 players or more)\n↳ Nisei National s kit\n↳ For each participant to choose at least 1 alt art\n↳ I’m wo rking on a special PUNT-Menghini-Nisei alt art as participation price!
\nDeventer is reachable by train and Intern ational Train from Germany\, the venue will be at a 10 minute walk from th e Central Station or by bus. Car parking is also available: free parking i s limited and other parking is paid.
\n↳ 10.00: 2 Swiss rounds\n↳ 12.30: lunch break\n↳ 13.15: 2 o r 3 Swiss rounds\n↳ 15.00/16.00: prizes and little break\n↳ 16.00: sta rt Top Cut\n↳ 18.30/19.00: optional dinner (time runs out at 20.30)
\ n