BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3303alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20221007T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20221007T235900 URL: -tournament LOCATION:123 Queen St W\, Toronto\, ON M5H\, Canada SUMMARY:2022 Crown of Servers Team Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:IMPORTANT: Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination IS REQUIRED to be adde d to the tournament roster. We will be providing KF94 masks and requiring their use.\n\n2022 Crown of Servers Team Tournament\nDay 1 of the World Ch ampionship Weekend. No Decklists. All Event Pass OR Event Ticket Required (Click Here). NISEI Standard Format + Extra Rules (See Below).\nDay 1 - Wo rlds Weekend Begins\nThis tournament represents Day 1 of the World Champio nship Weekend and is the first tournament on offer for the event. It will take place entirely on Day 1.\nRegistration for this event begins October 7th at 8:30AM in the Osgoode Ballroom of the Sheraton Centre Hotel\, and e nds at 10:00AM. It will be in Standard format\, no deck lists required\, a nd will consist of 5-6 rounds of Swiss lasting 65 minutes each. There will be no Cut. There will be a tiebreaker if the top teams end on matched poi nts.\nA lunch break will take place around 12:30-12:45PM. This will be 60 minutes\, followed by round pairings. We may take a few minutes to get rol ling back into the event\, no longer than 10-15\, after the lunch period e nds. Plan accordingly. Look for lunch spots. Be back on time\, or you your entire team could forfeit their first round of games.\nThis will be a 3-p erson team tournament in the style of grand ol’ King of Servers. Submit your team’s info via this Google Form. There is a cap of 100 teams for t he event. You can find out how many teams are registered by checking the T eam Roster. Everyone on your team must have their own All Events Pass or C rown of Servers Ticket to participate.\nTeams will be required to represen t all three main Runner factions (Anarch\, Criminal\, Shaper) with no dupl icates on the team. Minifactions (Adam\, Apex\, Sunny) may be swapped in p lace of a main faction\, but again no duplicates. Teams will also need to represent 3 of the 4 Corp factions (Haas Bioroid\, Jiteki\, NBN\, Weyland) with no duplicates.\nFor those unfamiliar with how this traditionally wor ks\, teams will be paired based on their combined win/loss records\, then players will pair off individually in order of highest ranked players to l owest ranked players within their teams. We won't be strictly enforcing in dividual pairings\, but generally we expect the best players to duel each other unless there's personal scores to settle.\nTable talk and banter are fully allowed\, including showing cards to your teammates. This more in t he spirit of fun and teamwork than someone literally piloting decks that a ren't theirs\, so teams are allowed to call judges for slow play and obser vation if there's suspected abuse of this rule. During the last 5 minutes of each round\, all table talk is expected to cease.\nLinks\nEventbrite Ti cket Purchasing Page\nNISEI Code of Conduct\nNISEI OP Policies &\; Floo r Rules\nNISEI Standard Format\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

IMPORTANT: Proof of COVID- 19 Vaccination IS REQUIRED to be added to the tournament roster. We will b e providing KF94 masks and requiring their use.




2022 Crown of Servers Team Tournament


Day 1 of the World Champions hip Weekend. No Decklists. All Event Pass OR Event Ticket Required (Click Here). NISEI Sta ndard Format + Extra Rules (See Below).


Day 1 - Worl ds Weekend Begins


This tournament represents Day 1 of th e World Championship Weekend and is the first tournament on offer for the event. It will take place entirely on Day 1.


Registration for this event begins October 7th at 8:30AM in the Osgoode Ballroom of the Sheraton Centre Hotel\, and ends at 10:00AM. It will be in Stand ard format\, no deck lists required\, and will consist of 5-6 rounds of Sw iss lasting 65 minutes each. There will be no Cut. There will be a tiebrea ker if the top teams end on matched points.


A lunch break will take place around 12:30-12:45PM. This will be 60 minutes\, f ollowed by round pairings. We may take a few minutes to get rolling back i nto the event\, no longer than 10-15\, after the lunch period ends. Plan a ccordingly. Look for lunch spots. Be back on time\, or you your entire tea m could forfeit their first round of games.


This will be a 3-perso n team tournament in the style of grand ol’ King of Serve rs. Submit your team’s info via this Google Form. There is a cap of 100 teams for the even t. You can find out how many teams are registered by checking the Team Roster. Everyone on your team must have their own All Events Pass or Crown of Servers Ticket to participate.


Teams will be required to represent all three main Runner factions (Anarch\, Criminal\, Shaper) with no duplicates on the team. Minifactions (Adam\, Apex\, Sunny) may be swapped i n place of a main faction\, but again no duplicates. Teams will al so need to represent 3 of the 4 Corp factions (Haas Bioroid\, Jit eki\, NBN\, Weyland) with no duplicates.


For thos e unfamiliar with how this traditionally works\, teams will be paired base d on their combined win/loss records\, then players will pair off individu ally in order of highest ranked players to lowest ranked players within th eir teams. We won't be strictly enforcing individual pairings\, but genera lly we expect the best players to duel each other unless there's personal scores to settle.


Table talk and banter are fully allowed\, includ ing showing cards to your teammates. This more in the spirit of fun and te amwork than someone literally piloting decks that aren't theirs\, so teams are allowed to call judges for slow play and observation if there's suspe cted abuse of this rule. During the last 5 minutes of each round\, all tab le talk is expected to cease.




Eventbrite Tick et Purchasing Page\nNISEI Code of Conduct\nNISEI OP Policies &\ ; Floor Rules\nNISEI Standard Format