BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3302alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20221009T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20221009T235900 URL: nship LOCATION:123 Queen St W\, Toronto\, ON M5H\, Canada SUMMARY:2022 Startup World Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:IMPORTANT: Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination IS REQUIRED to be adde d to the tournament roster. We will be providing KF94 masks and requiring their use.\n\n2022 Startup World Championship\nDay 3 of the World Champion ship Weekend. Decklists REQUIRED. All Event Pass OR Event Ticket Required (Click Here). NISEI Startup Format.\nThis is our first Startup World Champ ionship! Since we officially support two formats\, we must crown a champio n for each. The winner of this event will be the Startup World Champion. W e don't yet have all prizing figured out for the event\, and regretfully t his will not entitle you to card creation like Standard. You will\, howeve r\, receive a Reigning Champion Card!\nReigning Champion Cards are simple: You get to work with Organized Play and and artist commission a cyberpunk scene of your choice\, which can feature you as a character! Then\, next year\, you get to work with Organized Play to put that same art on a promo card for the event you won! Think of it as the ultimate form of bragging rights.\nDay 3 - Our First Startup Champion is Crowned\nThis tournament ru ns in tandem with the Standard Cut on Day 3 of the World Championship Week end and is the first Startup World Championship. It will take place entire ly on Day 3.\nRegistration for the Startup event begins October 9th at 8:3 0AM in the Osgoode Ballroom of the Sheraton Centre Hotel\, and ends at 9:3 0AM. It is Startup format\, obviously\, with decklists REQUIRED\, and will consist of 4-6 rounds of Swiss based on attendance. We may reduce the num ber of Swiss rounds\, not hold tiebreakers\, or reduce the size of the Cut if this event looks like it will go long (this is solely a logistical con cern\, not us saying Startup is not an important format!).\nA lunch break will take place around 12:30-12:45PM. This will be 60 minutes\, followed b y round pairings. We may take a few minutes to get rolling back into the e vent\, no longer than 10-15\, after the lunch period ends. Plan accordingl y. Look for lunch spots. Be back on time\, or you could lose one of the ga mes within your match.\nLinks\nEventbrite Ticket Purchasing Page\nDecklist Submission Forms\nNISEI Code of Conduct\nNISEI OP Policies &\; Floor R ules\nNISEI Startup Format\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

IMPORTANT: Proof of COVID- 19 Vaccination IS REQUIRED to be added to the tournament roster. We will b e providing KF94 masks and requiring their use.




2022 Sta rtup World Championship


Day 3 of the World Championship Weeke nd. Decklists REQUIRED. All Event Pass OR Event Ticket Required (Click Here). NISEI Startu p Format.


This is our first Startup World Championship! Since we officially support two formats\, we must crown a champion for each. Th e winner of this event will be the Startup World Champion. We don't yet ha ve all prizing figured out for the event\, and regretfully this will not e ntitle you to card creation like Standard. You will\, however\, receive a Reigning Champion Card!


Reigning Champion Cards are simple: You ge t to work with Organized Play and and artist commission a cyberpunk scene of your choice\, which can feature you as a character! Then\, next year\, you get to work with Organized Play to put that same art on a promo card f or the event you won! Think of it as the ultimate form of bragging rights.


Day 3 - Our First Startup Champion is Crowned\n

This tournament runs in tandem with the Standard Cut on Day 3 of t he World Championship Weekend and is the first Startup World Championship. It will take place entirely on Day 3.


Registration for th e Startup event begins October 9th at 8:30AM in the Osgoode Ballroom of th e Sheraton Centre Hotel\, and ends at 9:30AM. It is Startup forma t\, obviously\, with decklists REQUIRED\, and will consis t of 4-6 rounds of Swiss based on attendance. We may reduce the number of Swiss rounds\, not hold tiebreakers\, or reduce the size of the Cut if thi s event looks like it will go long (this is solely a logistical concern\, not us saying Startup is not an important format!).


A lunc h break will take place around 12:30-12:45PM. This will be 60 min utes\, followed by round pairings. We may take a few minutes to get rollin g back into the event\, no longer than 10-15\, after the lunch period ends . Plan accordingly. Look for lunch spots. Be back on time\, or you could l ose one of the games within your match.



Event brite Ticket Purchasing Page\nDecklist Submission Forms\nNISEI Code of Conduct\nNISEI OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNISEI Startup Format