BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3301alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20221008T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20221008T235900 URL: LOCATION:123 Queen St W\, Toronto\, ON M5H\, Canada SUMMARY:2022 World Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:IMPORTANT: Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination IS REQUIRED to be adde d to the tournament roster. We will be providing KF94 masks and requiring their use.\n\n2022 World Championship\nDay 2 &\; 3 of the World Champio nship Weekend. Decklists REQUIRED. All Event Pass OR Event Ticket Required (Click Here). NSG Standard Format.\nDecklists will be REQUIRED. Participa nts will need to submit a physical copy\, which can be done onsite or done beforehand and printed out. As long as the list is legible\, any physical copy will be acceptable and doesn't need to be the NSG's 'official' deckl ist sheet.\nA lunch break will take place around 12:30-12:45PM on both day s. This will be 60 minutes\, followed by round pairings. We may take a few minutes to get rolling back into the event\, no longer than 10-15\, after the lunch period ends. Plan accordingly. Look for lunch spots. Be back on time\, or you could lose one of the games within your match/cut pairing.\ nDay 2 - Standard Main Event Swiss Rounds\nRegistration for this event beg ins October 8th at 9:00AM in the Osgoode Ballroom of the Sheraton Centre H otel\, and ends at 10:00AM. Obviously Standard format\, with decklists req uired\, and will consist of 5-7 rounds of Swiss based on attendance. Round s are 65 minutes. Tiebreakers will be held for those on matched points bef ore the Cut on Day 3. These tiebreaker rounds will be 45 minutes.\nDay 3 - Standard Main Event Cut\nRegistration for the Standard Cut will begin Oct ober 9th at 9:00AM\, also in the Osgoode Ballroom of the Sheraton Centre H otel\, and will end at 10:00AM. All Cut rounds will be 45 minutes\, and t he Final + Grand Final will be untimed.\nLinks\nEventbrite Ticket Purchasi ng Page\nDecklist Submission Forms\nNSG Code of Conduct\nNSG OP Policies & amp\; Floor Rules\nNSG Standard Format\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

IMPORTANT: Proof of COVID- 19 Vaccination IS REQUIRED to be added to the tournament roster. We will b e providing KF94 masks and requiring their use.




2022 World Championship


Day 2 &\; 3 of the World Championship Weekend. Decklists REQUIRED. All Event Pass OR Event Ticket R equired (Click Here< /a>). NSG Standard Format.


Decklists will be REQUIRED . Participants will need to submit a physical copy\, which can be done onsite or done beforehand and printed out. As long as the list is le gible\, any physical copy will be acceptable and doesn't need to be the NS G's 'official' decklist sheet.


A lunch break will take pla ce around 12:30-12:45PM on both days. This will be 60 minutes\, f ollowed by round pairings. We may take a few minutes to get rolling back i nto the event\, no longer than 10-15\, after the lunch period ends. Plan a ccordingly. Look for lunch spots. Be back on time\, or you could lose one of the games within your match/cut pairing.


Day 2 - Stand ard Main Event Swiss Rounds


Registration for thi s event begins October 8th at 9:00AM in the Osgoode Ballroom of the Sherat on Centre Hotel\, and ends at 10:00AM. Obviously Standard format\ , with decklists required\, and will consist of 5-7 rounds of Swiss based on attendance. Rounds are 65 minutes. Tiebreakers will be held for those o n matched points before the Cut on Day 3. These tiebreaker rounds will be 45 minutes.


Day 3 - Standard Main Event Cut


Registration for the Standard Cut will begin October 9th at 9 :00AM\, also in the Osgoode Ballroom of the Sheraton Centre Hotel\, and wi ll end at 10:00AM. All Cut rounds will be 45 minutes\, and the F inal + Grand Final will be untimed.




Eventbrit e Ticket Purchasing Page\nDecklist Submission Forms\nNSG Code of Conduct\nNSG OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNSG Standard Format