BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3300alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20220924T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20220925T235900 URL: LOCATION:Rue de la Tribune 8\, 1000 Bruxelles\, Belgium SUMMARY:Belgium Nationals 2022 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWe are excited to announce the 2022 Belgian National Champion ships for Android: Netrunner! This year we’ll be hosting the event over two days in the capital city of Brussels.\n\nDates: Saturday the 24th a nd Sunday the 25th of September\nLocation: The Outpost Gamecenter\, Rue de la Tribune 8\, 1000 Brussels\nEntry Fee: €10 and includes a free drink\ nTO: Thomas “Cluster Fox” Van der Cruysse\nJudges/Marshalls:\nMaël “Maelig” Brunet\nBrian “Ryanbantwins” Wynants\nTim “Ayyyliens” Goeyvaert\n\nPRIZES\nParticipation: 3x alt art Drafter\nTop 32: 3x alt art Aniccam\nTop 16: top cut enamel pin\nTop 8: Resistance playmat\nWinne r: Invitation to the Circuit Breaker Invitational + bye for Worlds 2022\nY ou can check out the prizes here.\nSATURDAY\n11:30 – Registration\n12:00 – Start Round 1\n13:15 – Lunch Break\n13:45 – Start Round 2\n15:00 – Start Round 3\n16:15 – Start Round 4\n17:30 – Start Round 5\n19:00 – Announce top 8 + prizing\nSATURDAY EVENING\nFor those staying in Brus sels\, we are looking in to grabbing something to eat together and then go on a pub crawl. Details will be announced closer to the date\, but we’l l bring some pub games to play while we enjoy some tasty Belgian beer!\n \nSUNDAY\n12:00 – Venue opens\n13:00 – Start top 8\n13:15 – Start Startup Tournament\n17:00 – Estimated end of the event + prizing\n\n We’ll start a bit later on Sunday so people don’t have to rush\, but t here won’t be a lunch break so make sure you’ve gotten something to ea t before we start! There will of course be separate prizing for the Startu p Tournament\, which will consist of 3 rounds of swiss. It is also possibl e to only play in the Startup side-event\, for which we’re charging €5 \, but it would be a shame to miss out on the main shindig!\nTOURNAMENT\nA s this is a Competitive-level event\, the format will be Standard\, so fro m Data &\; Destiny and the Flashpoint cycle through to Midnight Sun. An overview and the Standard Ban List can be found here (careful\, this page will be updated on 5/08/22 to reflect when Midnight Sun becomes legal). I f there are any changes to the Standard Ban List leading up to the event\, we will make a decision and let you know ASAP through Facebook and Stimha ck Slack. Decklists are mandatory. All cards must be in opaque sleeves. Pr oxies for any legal card are perfectly fine\, but they must be of decent q uality and immediately recognizable as the card they represent. You can fi nd print &\; play versions of the cards on the product page of the Nise i website.\n\nPREREGISTRATION\nWhile preregistration isn’t necessary\ , it does help us get an idea of how many players are coming and it ensure s your seat is saved in the unlikely event of a turnout so large that we c an’t accommodate everyone. But generally speaking there shouldn’t be i ssues with paying at the door.\nIf you do want preregister please include your full name and your Netrunner handle. You could also include if you’ re interested in getting dinner with the group\, but we won’t hold you t o that.\nYou can preregister by transferring €10 to either:\nIBAN BE33 0 014 6775 0446 or PayPal\n\nVENUE\nThe Outpost Game center Brussels is quite a light and open game shop with floor-to-ceiling windows located in a relatively calm street in the heart of the city\, nea r the buildings of parliament and less than a 10 minute walk from the cent ral trainstation. For folks from the southern UK who are considering atten ding\, there is a direct connection from London St. Pancras to Brussels So uth station by Eurostar which takes about 2 hours and from there it’s a 5 minute tram ride to the central station. Brussels also boasts an interna tional airport for those who would like to join from further away.\nWhile it is completely fine to bring in your own food\, consuming your own drink s inside the game store is not allowed. The bar has plenty of options\, th ough\, and don’t forget you get a free drink with your entry fee!\n\n JACK IN\nStay connected and be on top of any updates we post! If you’re on Stimhack Slack you can find us in the channel #belgian-nationals\, we h ave a Facebook event page and you can also find us at our Facebook home\, Netrunner Belgium.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We are excited to announce the 2022 Belgian National Championships for Android: Netrunner! This year we ’ll be hosting the event over two days in the capital city of Brussels.\ n\nDates: Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th of September\nLocation: The Outpost Gamecenter\, Rue de la Tribune 8\, 1000 Brussels\nEntry Fee: €10 and includes a free drink\nTO: Thomas “Cluster Fox” Van der Cruy sse\nJudges/Marshalls:\nMaël “Maelig” Brunet\nBrian “Ryanbantwins ” Wynants\nTim “Ayyyliens” Goeyvaert\n\nPRIZES\nParticipation: 3x alt art Drafter\nTop 32: 3x alt art Aniccam\nTop 16: top cut enamel pin\n Top 8: Resistance playmat\nWinner: Invitation to the Circuit Breaker Invit ational + bye for Worlds 2022\nYou can check out the prizes here.
\n11:30 – Registration\n12:00 – Start Round 1\n1 3:15 – Lunch Break\n13:45 – Start Round 2\n15:00 – Start Round 3\n16 :15 – Start Round 4\n17:30 – Start Round 5\n19:00 – Announce top 8 + prizing
\nFor those staying in Brussels\ , we are looking in to grabbing something to eat together and then go on a pub crawl. Details will be announced closer to the date\, but we’ll bri ng some pub games to play while we enjoy some tasty Belgian beer!\n
\n12:00 – Venue opens\n13:00 – Start top 8\n13:15 – Start Startup Tournament\n17:00 – Estimated end of the event + prizi ng\n\nWe’ll start a bit later on Sunday so people don’t have to rus h\, but there won’t be a lunch break so make sure you’ve gotten someth ing to eat before we start! There will of course be separate prizing for t he Startup Tournament\, which will consist of 3 rounds of swiss. It is als o possible to only play in the Startup side-event\, for which we ’re charging €5\, but it would be a shame to miss out on the main shin dig!
\nAs this is a Competitive-level event\, t he format will be Standard\, so from Data &\; Destiny and the Flashpoin t cycle through to Midnight Sun. An overview and the Standard Ban List can be found here (careful\, this page will be updated on 5/08/22 to reflect when Midnight Sun becomes legal). If there are any changes to the Standard Ban List leading up to the event\, we will make a decision and let you know A SAP through Facebook and Stimhack Slack. Decklists are mandatory. All card s must be in opaque sleeves. Proxies for any legal card are perfectly fine \, but they must be of decent quality and immediately recognizable as the card they represent. You can find print &\; play versions of the cards on the product page of the Nis ei website.\n
\nWhile preregistration i sn’t necessary\, it does help us get an idea of how many players are com ing and it ensures your seat is saved in the unlikely event of a turnout so large that we can’t accommodate everyone. But generally speak ing there shouldn’t be issues with paying at the door.\nIf you do want p reregister please include your full name and your Netrunner handle. You co uld also include if you’re interested in getting dinner with the group\, but we won’t hold you to that.\nYou can preregister by transferring € 10 to either:\nIBAN BE33 0014 6775 0446 or PayPal\n
\nThe Outpost Gamecenter Brussels is quite a lig ht and open game shop with floor-to-ceiling windows located in a relativel y calm street in the heart of the city\, near the buildings of parliament and less than a 10 minute walk from the central trainstation. For folks fr om the southern UK who are considering attending\, there is a direct conne ction from London St. Pancras to Brussels South station by Eurostar which takes about 2 hours and from there it’s a 5 minute tram ride to the cent ral station. Brussels also boasts an international airport for those who w ould like to join from further away.\nWhile it is completely fine to bring in your own food\, consuming your own drinks inside the game store is not allowed. The bar has plenty of options\, though\, and don’t forget you get a free drink with your entry fee!\n
\nStay connected and be on top of any updates we post! If you’re on Stimhack Sl ack you can find us in the channel #belgian-nationals\, we have a Facebook event page and you can also find us at our Facebook home\, Netrunner Belgium.