BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3299alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220827 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220828 URL: it-opener SUMMARY:Retromancer's Startup Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:PRAISE THE (MIDNIGHT) SUN!\nOddball/Steve of Retromancer here. Thrazznos and I would cordially like to invite you to join our Startup Cir cuit Opener. We have a boosted kit and are planning on hold the event a li ttle later in the Circuit Opener season\, post-rotation of the Ashes cycle \, to get a fresh take on the developing Midnight Sun Startup meta.\nUPDAT E: With the update to NISEI's organized play policies in early July allowi ng for single sided Swiss in casual events\, we are opting to run our even t that way (instead of traditional Swiss where you play both sides against the same opponent in each round). Information on single sided swiss can b e found here.\nFor posterity: Unfortunately we ran into technical difficul ties before the start of the event and ran it as double sided swiss on Cob Tournament info can be found here:\n \n\nREGISTRATION: Tickets must be bought through eventbrite for paying the entry fee. Click here to visit the Eventbrite page! Contact me if you nee d to arrange alternate means of payment. DM Oddball#4771 on Discord if you have any questions\, or concerns.\nENTRY FEE: $10 USD paid using the even tbrite link above.\n\nThis event will be run in the #online-store-champion ship channel of the NISEI Online Event Hub server on Discord. Pairings via Aesop's Tables. Games played on\nAndroid: Netrunner tourname nt open to players from all regions and at all levels of play. The format will be Startup (System Gateway + Ashes + Midnight Sun + System Update 21) . Sign in time is 9:00am PDT and we still start the event at 9:30am PDT on Saturday the 27th of August. All times are Pacific Daylight time (-7 UTC) . Check what this is in your personal time zone by using this converter or checking the unix timestamp posted in the #online-gnks channel of the NIS EI Events Discord.\n\nPlanned structure is single-sided swiss into top cut \, depending on attendance numbers. The tourney will be run via Aesops Tab les and Discord\, so make sure to join the official NISEI Online Event Hub server if you haven't already over at\nSpecia l thanks for Ysengrin and Vale for their advice.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Oddbal l/Steve of Retromancer he re. Thrazznos and I would cordially like to invite you to join our Startup C ircuit Opener. We have a boosted kit and are planning on hold the even t a little later in the Circuit Opener season\, post-rotation of the Ashes cycle\, to get a fresh take on the developing Midnight Sun Startup meta.< /p>\n
UPDATE: With the update to NISEI's organized play policies in early July allowing for single sided Swiss in casual even ts\, we are opting to run our event that way (instead of traditional Swiss where you play both sides against the same opponent in each round). Infor mation on single sided swiss can be found here.
\nFor posterity: Unfortunately we ran into technical difficulties before the start of the event and ran i t as double sided swiss on Tournament info can be found here:\n 3
\nREGISTRATION: Tickets must be bough t through eventbrite for paying the entry fee. Click here to visit the Eventbrite page! Contact me if you need to arrange alternate means of payment. DM Oddball#4771 on Dis cord if you have any questions\, or concerns.\nENTRY FEE: $10 USD< /strong> paid using the eventbrite link above.
\nThis event will be run in the #online-store-championship channel of the NISEI Online Event Hub server on Discord. Pairings via Aesop's Tables. Games played on
\nAndroid: Netrunner tournament
Planned s tructure is single-sided swiss into top cut\, depending on attend ance numbers. The tourney will be run via Aesops Tables and Discord\, so make sure to join the official NIS EI Online Event Hub server if you haven't already over at
\nSpecial tha nks for Ysengrin and Vale for their advice.