BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3296alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20220910T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20220910T235900 URL: brary LOCATION:Stromarkt 18\, 7411 PK Deventer\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Circuit Opener @ Deventer Library CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Circuit Opener @ Deventer Library\nSaturday\, the 10th of Septe mber\, a Netrunner Circuit Opener (Standard Format) will take place in the central library of Deventer (Stromarkt 18) in their cellar (Wilhelminabru g room). Please register via the TO’s e-mail address (ddevries82@hotmail .com) or via\n↳ Doors: 10.45 (until 15.00)\n↳ Star t: 11.00\n↳ Fee: € 10\,-\n↳ Food: you may bring your own or order in side at the location\n↳ TO: Dennis de Vries / Menghini\n↳ Max: 8ish\nF or questions or registration\, feel free to contact the TO at e-mail addre ss:\n\nCorona (yes\, it might be a thing in Septemb er):\n\nIf you are ill\, have a fever and/or you’re coughing/sneezing\, etc. Or you have the Covid-19 virus. Please do not come and message the TO !\nYou may wear a mask (that’s up to you).\nMaybe the Dutch Government w ill change some Covid-19 rules: it may cancel or postpone this CO. I’ll keep this page updated.\n\n\nRules:\n↳ Decklists are required\, please b ring/e-mail a written/printed list (1 Runner\, 1 Corp)\n↳ Legal: Standar d Ban List 22.08\n\nLoot:\n↳ Champion: Circuit Invitational (only with 8 or more players) and a special Netrunner facemask\n↳ Circuit Opener kit \n↳ Menghini-style: for each participant to choose at least 1 ‘other ’ alt art\n\nTransport:\nDeventer Central is reachable by train and even the International train from Germany\, the venue will be at a 5-10 minute walk from the Central Station.\n\nOther:\n\n\nRounds: We will probably pl ay 3 rounds of Swiss (depending on attendance)\, 65 minutes rounds.\n\nPro xies: proxies are allowed\, as long as the proxies are sleeved and readabl e (printed) and have about the same thickness as the official cards.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Circuit Opener @ Deventer Library


Saturday\, the 10th of September\, a Netrunner Circuit Opener (Standard F ormat) will take place in the central library of Deventer (Stromarkt 18) i n their cellar (Wilhelminabrug room). Please register via the TO’s e-mai l address ( or via


↳ Doors: 10.45 (until 15.00)\n↳ Start: 11.00\n↳ Fee: € 10\,-\n↳ Food : you may bring your own or order inside at the location\n↳ TO: Dennis d e Vries / Menghini\n↳ Max: 8ish


For questions or registration\, feel free to contact the TO at e-mail address:

\ n

Corona (yes\, it might be a thing in September):




↳ Decklists are required\, please bring/e-mail a written/printed li st (1 Runner\, 1 Corp)\n↳ Legal: Standard Ban List 22.08


↳ Champion: Circuit Invitational (only with 8 or more p layers) and a special Netrunner facemask\n↳ Circuit Opener kit\n↳ Meng hini-style: for each participant to choose at least 1 ‘other’ alt art< /p>\n




Deventer Central is reachable by trai n and even the International train from Germany\, the venue will be at a 5 -10 minute walk from the Central Station.



  • \nRounds: We will probably play 3 rounds of Swiss (depend ing on attendance)\, 65 minutes rounds.
  • \n
  • \nProxies: prox ies are allowed\, as long as the proxies are sleeved and readable (printed ) and have about the same thickness as the official cards.