BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3295alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220820T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220820T235900 URL: er SUMMARY:2022 Scotland Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Edit - updates\nThere will be rail strikes this weekend so plan ahead for your journey and drop me a line if you're having trouble on the day -\n\nPlan ning for a 30 min lunch break after round 2 to keep the timings tight\, Co mmon Ground will be offering a lunch deal of sandwich/drink/side for a fiv er if you want something on site.\nProxies are welcome\, please follow Nis ei guidance on these. While fan art cards are acceptable I would encourage you to make use of official alts/proxies where possible. If anyone is hav ing trouble getting sorted I can print some on request - just contact me - and will bring some blank templates as a backup.\nI had mistakenly though t that CO's follow the competitive rules - they do not so no need for deck lists.\nI am of a mind to run 4 round swiss top 4 cut\, so long as we get 10+ people - but welcome thoughts on the day.\nOn payment I'll be taking cash or PayPal on the day\, then I will sort out with the Store.\nI'll hav e some additional prizes in addition to the kit\, so everyone will get som ething. In even more exciting news the title of Top Scot will be up for gr abs for the first time since 2019 - this will be awarded to the top placin g player from a Scottish meta and is of course accompanied by the gorgeous Top Scot mat!\nOriginal text -\nScottish Circuit Opener!\nThe event will be hosted at Common Grounds in Stirling.\nTickets will be £10 with regist ration at 11 with round one starting at 11:30.\nPrize support will be the Nisei 2022 Circuit Opener kit:\nChampion: Invite to Circuit Breaker Invita tional Event Event Invite\nTop 2: Hákarl 1.0 Playmat (Art by Jakuza) play mat\nTop 4: Obokata Protocol (Art by Olie Boldador) alternate art card\nTo p 8: Simulchip (Art by Kira Nguyen) alternate art card\nThe Nisei Code of Conduct will be in play during the event and can be found here:\nhttp://ni\nCard legality is Nisei Standard and proxie s (including print &\; play) are welcome.\nMidnight Sun will be legal\, assuming it is released by the end of July.\nAs a competitive event\, dec k lists will be required.\nDepending on numbers we will be looking at 3 to 4 rounds of Swiss\, no cut unless we get a load of people.\nIf there are any queries or concerns in advance of the event please let me know.\nLove\ ,\nRonan\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Edit - updates


There will be rail s trikes this weekend so plan ahead for your journey and drop me a line if y ou're having trouble on the day -

\n assenge.../industrial-action


Planning for a 30 min lunch break aft er round 2 to keep the timings tight\, Common Ground will be offering a lu nch deal of sandwich/drink/side for a fiver if you want something on site.


Proxies are welcome\, please follow Nisei guidance on these. Whil e fan art cards are acceptable I would encourage you to make use of offici al alts/proxies where possible. If anyone is having trouble getting sorted I can print some on request - just contact me - and will bring some blank templates as a backup.


I had mistakenly thought that CO's follow the competitive rules - they do not so no need for deck lists.


I a m of a mind to run 4 round swiss top 4 cut\, so long as we get 10+ people - but welcome thoughts on the day.


On payment I'll be taking cash or PayPal on the day\, then I will sort out with the Store.


I'll h ave some additional prizes in addition to the kit\, so everyone will get s omething. In even more exciting news the title of Top Scot will be up for grabs for the first time since 2019 - this will be awarded to the top plac ing player from a Scottish meta and is of course accompanied by the gorgeo us Top Scot mat!


Original text -


Scottish Circuit Opener!< /p>\n

The event will be hosted at Common Grounds in Stirling.


Ti ckets will be £10 with registration at 11 with round one starting at 11:3 0.


Prize support will be the Nisei 2022 Circuit Opener kit:

\n< p>Champion: Invite to Circuit Breaker Invitational Event Event Invite\nTop 2: Hákarl 1.0 Playmat (Art by Jakuza) playmat\nTop 4: Obokata Protocol ( Art by Olie Boldador) alternate art card\nTop 8: Simulchip (Art by Kira Ng uyen) alternate art card


The Nisei Code of Conduct will be in play during the event and can be found here:\n onduct.


Card legality is Nisei Standard and proxies (including pri nt &\; play) are welcome.


Midnight Sun will be legal\, assuming it is released by the end of July.


As a competitive event\, deck lists will be required.


Depending on numbers we will be looking at 3 to 4 rounds of Swiss\, no cut unless we get a load of people.


I f there are any queries or concerns in advance of the event please let me know.



