BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3293alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220813T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220813T235900 URL: 2 LOCATION:Gorton St\, Eccles\, Manchester M30 7LZ\, UK SUMMARY:Salford Circuit Opener 2022 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the first Salford Circuit Opener (previously Store C hampionship)! Our venue will be Eccles RFC\, M30 7LZ (see travel instructi ons later). Registration will start at 10:30 for an 11:00 Round 1. Lunch a t 13:20ish. Swiss and prize-giving should finish before 17:00. Cut should be done before 19:00. Entrance fee TBC\, payable on the day.\nFormat will be 4 rounds of Swiss\, followed by a Top 3/4 Cut (dependant on numbers). P rize support will be the Nisei SC kit plus whatever else I can rustle up. This will be a standard card pool event\, as described on the Nisei websit e\, and following the current Standard Ban List.\nWhat if I don't have all the cards?\nProxies are legal and acceptable. Nisei cards can be download ed direct from their website. FFG-era cards are available from ProxyNexus. net. If you don't have access to a printer\, hand-written proxies are acce ptable as long as they contain all relevant information and are legible (t o be reviewed by TO in advance).\nHow do I get to Salford?\nBy car - We're two minutes from J11 of the M60 with lots of free onsite parking.\nBy rai l - Patricroft station (Liverpool - Manchester line) is a 10 minutes walk away. Salford Crescent station (Preston - Manchester line) is a 15 minutes cab ride\, or you can pick up the 67 or 100 bus.\nBy bus - The 10 and 67 go from Manchester Shudehill to the end of the street. The 100 drops you s lightly further away but still within walking distance.\nBy tram? - Eccles tram stop is about a 30 minutes walk away\, so not ideal. But you can pic k up the buses mentioned above for about five minutes.\nWhat do I eat and drink?\nAsda\, Subway and more are about a 10 minutes walk (or two minutes drive) away. Or you're very welcome to bring food with you. We have a bar on site which will be open for hard and soft drinks\, plus crisps and cho colate.\nAny other questions? Ping me @mcg on StimSlack or GLC Discord.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome to the first Salford Circuit Opener (previously Store Championship)! Our venue will be Eccles RFC\, M30 7LZ ( see travel instructions later). Registration will start at 10:30 for an 11 :00 Round 1. Lunch at 13:20ish. Swiss and prize-giving should finish befor e 17:00. Cut should be done before 19:00. Entrance fee TBC\, payable on th e day.


Format will be 4 rounds of Swiss\, followed by a Top 3/4 Cu t (dependant on numbers). Prize support will be the Nisei SC kit plus what ever else I can rustle up. This will be a standard card pool event\, as de scribed on the Nisei website\, and following the current Standard Ban List .


What if I don't have all the cards?\nProxies are legal and accep table. Nisei cards can be downloaded direct from their website. FFG-era ca rds are available from If you don't have access to a print er\, hand-written proxies are acceptable as long as they contain all relev ant information and are legible (to be reviewed by TO in advance).


How do I get to Salford?\nBy car - We're two minutes from J11 of the M60 with lots of free onsite parking.\nBy rail - Patricroft station (Liverpool - Manchester line) is a 10 minutes walk away. Salford Crescent station (P reston - Manchester line) is a 15 minutes cab ride\, or you can pick up th e 67 or 100 bus.\nBy bus - The 10 and 67 go from Manchester Shudehill to t he end of the street. The 100 drops you slightly further away but still wi thin walking distance.\nBy tram? - Eccles tram stop is about a 30 minutes walk away\, so not ideal. But you can pick up the buses mentioned above fo r about five minutes.


What do I eat and drink?\nAsda\, Subway and more are about a 10 minutes walk (or two minutes drive) away. Or you're ve ry welcome to bring food with you. We have a bar on site which will be ope n for hard and soft drinks\, plus crisps and chocolate.


Any other questions? Ping me @mcg on StimSlack or GLC Discord.