BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3290alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20220702T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20220702T235900 URL: e-week-unplugged LOCATION:Mässgatan 6\, 215 32 Malmö\, Sweden SUMMARY:Circuit Opener at Malmö Game Week Unplugged! CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Netrunner is coming to Malmö Game Week Unplugged!\nWhen: 2nd o f July 11:00\nWhere: Malmömässan\, Mässgatan 6 215 32 Malmö\nEntry fee : 50kr. You will also need to get a free ticket to enter the event\, you c an get one here jWeifUdk170GWLNIE5N8c8-uSZ7IsoNIoXIYwgXG12HqBDjGow\nOrganizer: Finn Broman AKA Bridgeman\nYou can reach me via mail:\nOr on D iscord Bridgeman#7773\nFör info på svenska kontakta Finn Broman\nVia mai l:\nEller på Discord: Bridgeman#7773.\nFormat: Sta ndard with the latest SBL\, decklists are not required.\nIf unfamiliar wit h formats and banlists\, go to / for more information :)\nOrganized play policies: ontent/uploads/2021/03/Organized_Play_Policies.pdf\nComprehensive rules: h ttps://\nSchedule: Varies depending on amount o f players\, there will be some amount of swiss rounds(min 3) and a top cut if there are 16 or more players.\n○ Up to 11 players: 3 rounds\, no cut \n○ 12-15 players: 4 rounds\, no cut\n○ 16-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n○ 33-64 players: 5 rounds\, top 8\n○ 65-96 players: 6 rounds\, top 8\nThe time per swiss round will be at least 65 min\, maybe more if we don t need to play a lot of rounds.\nTop cut games will be around 40-45 min ea ch.\nThere will be a short break between each round\, and a lunchbreak if needed :)\nPrizes!:\nThe guaranteed prizes for this event come from the 20 22 circuit opener prize kit\, players will receive prizes based on their p lacement.\nTop 9: Playset of Simulchip alt art\nTop 5: Playset of Obokata Protocol alt art\nTop 3: Hakarl 1.0 Playmat\nTop 2: Playset of Biotic Labo r Alt art\nWinner: Invite to the circuit breaker invitational!\nOn top of this there are some promos from old kits that will be handed out to player s who did not get a top 9 placement. Everyone that I can supply with a pri ze will get one :D\nIf there are 16 or more players a playmat featuring ar t from Liiga Smilshkalne will be added to the prize pool. More of these co uld be added if there are a lot of players :D\nHope to see you there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Netrunner is coming to Malmö Game Week Unp lugged!


When: 2nd of July 11:00\nWhere: Malmömässan\, Mässgatan 6 215 32 Malmö\nEntry fee: 50kr. You will also need to get a free ticket to enter the event\, you can get one here rder/132?fbclid=IwAR2dciQCSjWeifUdk170GWLNIE5N8c8-uSZ7IsoNIoXIYwgXG12HqBDj Gow


Organizer: Finn Broman AKA Bridgeman\nYou can reach me via mai l:\nOr on Discord Bridgeman#7773


För info på svenska kontakta Finn Broman\nVia mail:\nEller på Discord: Bridgeman#7773.


Format: Standard with the latest SBL\ , decklists are not required.\nIf unfamiliar with formats and banlists\, g o to for more information :)< /p>\n

Organized play policies: /03/Organized_Play_Policies.pdf\nComprehensive rules: les/comp-rules/


Schedule: Varies depending on amount of players\, there will be some amount of swiss rounds(min 3) and a top cut if there ar e 16 or more players.\n○ Up to 11 players: 3 rounds\, no cut\n○ 12-15 players: 4 rounds\, no cut\n○ 16-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n○ 33-64 players: 5 rounds\, top 8\n○ 65-96 players: 6 rounds\, top 8


Th e time per swiss round will be at least 65 min\, maybe more if we dont nee d to play a lot of rounds.\nTop cut games will be around 40-45 min each.\n There will be a short break between each round\, and a lunchbreak if neede d :)


Prizes!:\nThe guaranteed prizes for this event come from the 2022 circuit opener prize kit\, players will receive prizes based on their placement.\nTop 9: Playset of Simulchip alt art\nTop 5: Playset of Obokat a Protocol alt art\nTop 3: Hakarl 1.0 Playmat\nTop 2: Playset of Biotic La bor Alt art\nWinner: Invite to the circuit breaker invitational!


O n top of this there are some promos from old kits that will be handed out to players who did not get a top 9 placement. Everyone that I can supply w ith a prize will get one :D


If there are 16 or more players a play mat featuring art from Liiga Smilshkalne will be added to the prize pool. More of these could be added if there are a lot of players :D


Hope to see you there!