BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:328alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20170226T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20170226T235900 URL: LOCATION:Modersohnstraße 55\, 10245 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Storechampionship Gamer's HQ CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Dear Netrunner Community\,\nThe Berlin Netrunner players are ha ppy to announce and invocte yout to the next community event. This second community event will be a full two-day Netrunner feast\, including a Store Championship. (Link to Saturday Tournament)\nRegistration starts: 9 am\nF irst Round starts: 10 am Number of swiss rounds based on participation + T op 4 playoff\nEntry fee: 10\,- €\nPrizes: FFG-Store Championship-Kit\nFo r each tournement: Deck lists are mandatory\nCards are allowed in any lang uage. If you participate in both events you pay a only 20\,- € in total! !!\nEvent Organizer: Dominic "\;Dome_"\; Milinsk\nHead Judge: TBA\ nWhy should you participate?\nWe want to have a cool event. We want to hav e fun\, we want to play netrunner! Fernando (EFE) will bring his art and y ou will have the chance to trade or buy some cool stuff. We want to have f un on the international level. People from different countries should come and attend and play some cool matches with us. We Want to have a nice eve ning program with beer and cocktails\, or we try to show you a part of our city. We will make some photos\, try to have a small coverage and do some mini-events\, if possible. What we all want to have is fun.\nNow it's you r turn! You want a cool weekend full of netrunner? Cool prizes\, cool peop le and tons of fun? You found it! Plan your trip to Berlin\, now. We will welcome you with open servers. We're looking forward for you and your cool built decks.\nDo you have questions? Don’t hesitate to ask them!\nWe se e us in Berlin on February 25th and 26th\, 2017\nKeep Running!!!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Dear Netrunner Community\,\nThe Berlin Netr unner players are happy to announce and invocte yout to the next community event. This second community event will be a full two-day Netrunner feast \, including a Store Championship. (Link to Saturday Tournament)
\nR egistration starts: 9 am\nFirst Round starts: 10 am Number of swiss rounds based on participation + Top 4 playoff\nEntry fee: 10\,- €\nPrizes: FFG -Store Championship-Kit
\nFor each tournement: Deck lists are mandat ory\nCards are allowed in any language. If you participate in both events you pay a only 20\,- € in total!!!
\nEvent Organizer: Dominic &quo t\;Dome_"\; Milinsk\nHead Judge: TBA
\nWhy should you participat e?\nWe want to have a cool event. We want to have fun\, we want to play ne trunner! Fernando (EFE) will bring his art and you will have the chance to trade or buy some cool stuff. We want to have fun on the international le vel. People from different countries should come and attend and play some cool matches with us. We Want to have a nice evening program with beer and cocktails\, or we try to show you a part of our city. We will make some p hotos\, try to have a small coverage and do some mini-events\, if possible . What we all want to have is fun.\nNow it's your turn! You want a cool we ekend full of netrunner? Cool prizes\, cool people and tons of fun? You fo und it! Plan your trip to Berlin\, now. We will welcome you with open serv ers. We're looking forward for you and your cool built decks.\nDo you have questions? Don’t hesitate to ask them!
\nWe see us in Berlin on F ebruary 25th and 26th\, 2017\nKeep Running!!!