BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3263alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20220807T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20220807T235900 URL: LOCATION:135 Arden St\, North Melbourne VIC 3051\, Australia SUMMARY:Melbourne Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The second biggest tournament of the year -- and Melbourne's fi rst ever Circuit Opener -- will (most likely) be held on Sunday 7 August 2 022. Midnight Sun will be legal. If the MPC group buy has landed I will br ing your order to the store. In any case: proxies will be legal.\nWhat is a Circuit Opener?\nCircuit Openers provide an exciting opportunity for loc al communities to come together in friendly competition. They are casual e vents\, but offer more prize support than usual. Plus\, an invite to the 2 022 Circuit Breaker Invitational will go to the winner (or highest-placed player who has not yet received an invite yet).\nFormat\nThe event will be run in Standard Format.\nThis event will have 6 rounds of single-sided Sw iss\, followed by a top-4 elimination bracket to decide the winner. This m eans that you will meet a new opponent after every game.\nPlayers may 'dro p' or withdraw from the event at any time.\nTiming\n\n9:00 Registration\n1 0:00 Rounds 1 to 4\n12:30 Lunch break (30 minutes)\n13:00 Rounds 5 to 6\n1 4:30 Prizes awarded.\n\nPlayers may 'drop' or withdraw from the event at a ny time.\nEntry and Prizes\n$15 entry covers the cost of the event kit. Th e prize pool will expand with the number of participants.\nBoosted Prize S tructure:\n\nWinner: Invitation to the Circuit Breaker Invitational Champi onship.\nTop 4: Hákarl 1.0 playmat (Jakuza).\nTop 8: 3× Obokata Protocol (Olie Boldador).\nTop 16: 3× Simulchip (Kira Nguyen).\nPlus abundant doo r prizes!\n\nSafety First\nAs always\, we will follow Covid-safe settings. If COVID-19 developments prevent the event running in-store\, I will run the event online via the Melbourne Netrunner Discord and\nGet in touch\nYou can always get in touch with the Melbourne Netrunner commun ity on our Discord channel.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The second biggest tournament of the year - - and Melbourne's first ever Circuit Opener -- will (most likely) be held on Sunday 7 August 2022. Midnight Sun will be legal. If the MPC group buy has landed I will bring your order to the store. In any case: proxies will be legal.
\nCircuit Openers pro vide an exciting opportunity for local communities to come together in fri endly competition. They are casual events\, but offer more prize support t han usual. Plus\, an invite to the 2022 Circuit Breaker Invitational will go to the winner (or highest-placed player who has not yet received an inv ite yet).
\nThe event will be run in Standard Forma t.
\nThis event will have 6 rounds of single-sided Swiss\, followed by a top-4 elimination bracket to decide the winner. This means that you w ill meet a new opponent after every game.
\nPlayers may 'drop' or wi thdraw from the event at any time.
\nPlayers may 'drop' or withdraw from the event at any time.
\n$15 entry covers the cost of the event kit . The prize pool will expand with the number of participants.
\nBoos ted Prize Structure:
\nAs always\, we will follow Covid-safe settings. I f COVID-19 developments prevent the event running in-store\, I will run th e event online via the Melbourne Netrunner Discord and
\n< h2>Get in touch\nYou can always get in touch with the Melbourne Ne trunner community on our Discord channel.