BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3261alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20220702T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20220702T235900 URL: LOCATION:Wollankstraße 99\, 13359 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Berlin Curcuit Opener 2022 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We are opening the Curcuit\, to .... to .... yeah I don't know why or what\, but it's open now!\nIf you know which Curcuit is open now\, come and join to Hack the Planet and celebrate some Netrunner in the open Curcuit!\nEvent\nCome and hack with us the Berlin City Grid!\nThis will be the official Berlin Circuit Opener playing Standard (we will have a Start Up later this year).\nFormat\nFormat: Swiss based on number of attendees + Top 3 Cut\nCard Language: any\, proxies allowed (acceptable quality)\nDec k lists &\; Sleeves mandatory\nRules: Nisei Standard + SBL 21.10\nTourn ament Organisator (TO): 5N00P1 (will participate in the tournament too)\nF ood &\; Drinks\nFood &\; Drinks are available from breakfast to lunc h. Own food &\; drinks needs to be consumed outside. As we are paying n o rent for the location it is recommended you consume some food &\; dri nks there.\nRegistration (incl. Payment)\nThere is a maximum of ~ 24 playe rs possible within the location.\nuntil 25-Jun: 7 EUR\nat the Venue: 10 EU R\nplease send an e-mail to to get the payment detail s.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We are opening the Curcuit\, to .... to ... . yeah I don't know why or what\, but it's open now!\nIf you know which Cu rcuit is open now\, come and join to Hack the Planet and celebrate some Ne trunner in the open Curcuit!




Come and hack with us the Berlin City Grid!\nThis will be the official Berlin Circuit Opener pl aying Standard (we will have a StartUp later this year).



Format: Swiss based on number of attendees + Top 3 Cut\nCard Langu age: any\, proxies allowed (acceptable quality)\nDeck lists &\; Sleeves mandatory\nRules: Nisei Standard + SBL 21.10\nTournament Organisator (TO) : 5N00P1 (will participate in the tournament too)


Food &\; Dri nks


Food &\; Drinks are available from breakfast to lunch. Own food &\; drinks needs to be consumed outside. As we are paying no rent for the location it is recommended you consume some food &\; drinks th ere.


Registration (incl. Payment)


There is a maximum of ~ 24 players possible within the location.\nuntil 25-Jun: 7 EUR\nat the Ve nue: 10 EUR\nplease send an e-mail to to get the paym ent details.