BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3260alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Tallinn:20220611T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Tallinn:20220611T235900 URL: nship LOCATION:Paldiski mnt 67\, 10614 Tallinn\, Estonia SUMMARY:2021 Tallinn Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Yes\, 2021 store championship\, not the 2022 one! @Nisei: ye\, I know\, we are about 10 days after the deadline\, my apologies! In my def ence I have to say that May ≃ June for large values of May.\nAlright\, t his is an official Nisei sanctioned event\, which means that kids have to behave and follow some rules:\n\nalways hug your TO\ndecks must comply wit h the Standard format. The latest Standard Ban List applies (see here http s:// ). Decklists people\, bring deckl ists.\nThe structure of the tournament is as follows:\n\n\nUp to 9 players : 3 rounds\, no cut\n10-15 players: 4 rounds\, no cut\n16-24 players: 4 ro unds\, top 4\nthere are rules for more players\, but I don't think they'll be relevant to our case...\n\nPrizes: as per Nisei directives\n\nWinner: Invitation to a future invite-only event. (Only valid for events with 8 pl ayers or more.)\nTop 4: 3× Consulting Visit (Nedliv Audiovisuell)\nTop 8: 3× Falsified Credentials (Benjamin Giletti)\nTop 16: 3× Peace in our Ti me (Olie\nBoldador)\n\nSpecial prizes for the following achievements:\n\nf irst flatline due to meat damage\nfirst flatline due to net damage\nfirst player to score more than 3 agenda points in a turn\nfirst player to sweep an opponent\nfirst player to collect more than 7 tokens on a single card\ n\nAll this goodness comes for a fee: the cost of the kit is about 30 euro \, which will be divided amongst the participant.\nFor more questions on t he organised play policies and regarding how many points you get for a dra w\, see\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Yes\, 2021 store championship\, not the 202 2 one! @Nisei: ye\, I know\, we are about 10 days after the deadline\, my apologies! In my defence I have to say that May ≃ June for large values of May.


Alright\, this is an official Nisei sanctioned event\, whi ch means that kids have to behave and follow some rules:

  1. al ways hug your TO
  2. \n
  3. decks must comply with the Standard format. The latest Standard Ban List applies (see here orted-formats/ ). Decklists people\, bring decklists.
  4. \n
  5. The struct ure of the tournament is as follows:
  6. \n

Prizes: as per Nisei directives


Special prizes for the following achievem ents:


All this goodness comes for a fee: the cost of the kit is about 30 euro\, which will be divided amongst the participant.


For more questions on the organised play policies and regarding how many points you get for a draw\, see