BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3248alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20220618T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20220618T235900 URL: tup LOCATION:9012 Research Blvd #1\, Austin\, TX 78758\, USA SUMMARY:Austin Circuit Opener - Startup CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is the first of two Circuit Openers in Austin\, Texas! It will be a BOOSTED (Double the prizing!) STARTUP event.\nCOVID note - as of Jun 10\, the CDC has upgraded our "\;Community Level"\; from low to medium. details here. As a result\, it would be real cool of you to mas k up at the event - I will be! Thanks :)\nWinner: Invitation to the Circui t Breaker Invitational Championship.\nTop 4: Hákarl 1.0 playmat (Jakuza). \nTop 8: 3× Obokata Protocol (Olie Boldador).\nTop 16: 3× Simulchip (Kir a Nguyen).\nSomewhere in bottom half: Set of Aurbits credit tokens!\nHighe st place for each faction: Foil System Gateway ID for that faction!\n4 new est players: 3x Biotic Labor (Worlds Promo). "\;Newest"\; determin ed by when you made your debut in one of my ABR events. I have a list. Tie s broken by placement in standings.\nCircuit Openers are sanctioned events for the purposes of the Organized Play Policies. This means you are expec ted to follow the prize structure above\, and the tournament structure out lined in the Policies for Casual Tier events.\nThe number of rounds is not fixed\, since this a sanctioned event. It is instead based on turnout:\n ○ Up to 11 players: 3 rounds\, no cut\n○ 12-15 players: 4 rounds\, no cut\n○ 16-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This is the first of two Circuit Openers in Austin\, Texas! It will be a BOOSTED (Double the prizing!) STARTUP event.


COVID note - as of Jun 10\, the CDC has upgraded our "\;Commu nity Level"\; from low to medium. details h ere. As a result\, it would be real cool of you to mask up at the event - I will be! Thanks :)


Winner: Invitation to the Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship.\nTop 4: Hákarl 1.0 playmat (Jakuza).\nTop 8: 3× Ob okata Protocol (Olie Boldador).\nTop 16: 3× Simulchip (K ira Nguyen).\nSomewhere in bottom half: Set of Aurbits cr edit tokens!\nHighest place for each faction: Foil System Gateway ID for that faction!\n4 newest players: 3x Bioti c Labor (Worlds Promo). "\;Newest"\; determined by when you made y our debut in one of my ABR events. I have a list. Ties broken by placement in standings.


Circuit Openers are sanctioned events for the purposes of the Organized Play Policies. This means you are expected t o follow the prize structure above\, and the tournament structure outlined in the Policies for Casual Tier events.


The number of rounds is n ot fixed\, since this a sanctioned event. It is instead based on turnout:\ n○ Up to 11 players: 3 rounds\, no cut\n○ 12-15 players: 4 rounds\, no cut\n○ 16-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 4