BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3238alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220522 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220523 URL: elebration-on-glc SUMMARY:Ashes to ashes: A Startup celebration on GLC CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAshes to ashes!\nA tournament celebrating the end of the firs t version of the Startup format.\nHeld on the new player friendly Green Le vel Clearance Discord server\nThe inaugural Startup format has been wildly successful in both bringing in new players and helping players transition to Standard. The upcoming release of Midnight Sun will introduce the firs t rotation to this format. Let’s send off Ashes with a big celebration!\ nFormat\n\nDouble sided swiss (4-5 rounds) and a top 4/8 cut (based on num ber of participants).\nOne Round played per week.\nStartup card pool inclu ding Midnight Sun Booster pack. No ban list.\nDecklists required at regist ration. Open decklists for the cut.\n\nStructure\nPlayers will need to joi n the GLC discord server:\nWhen ready to submit decklists\, please sign up for the tournament by filling this form.\nSignups will clo se on May 21st\, 11.30 PM PDT (UTC -7 hours)\nPairings will be announced o n GLC every Sunday\, with the pairings for Round 1 going up on Sunday\, Ma y 22nd.\nPaired players have to coordinate among themselves and play their games within a week and report the results.\nIn the first round you will very likely be matched with someone in a nearby time zone. For later round s\, time zone proximity will be taken into consideration while generating pairs.\nCode of Conduct\nAll NISEI and GLC Codes of Conduct apply.\nPlease remember that this is a celebration of the Startup format\, a format that brought in so many new players to the game. While it is a competitive tou rnament\, we expect experienced players to be considerate towards those wh o are relatively newer to the game.\nPlease be respectful of other players ' time. Once you have agreed on a time with your opponent\, a no-show will result in being dropped from future rounds. Also\, if you cannot play a p articular round\, let your opponent know as soon as possible. Not respondi ng to an opponent's scheduling messages before that round’s Friday would also result in being dropped from future rounds.\nPrizes\nWinner: Midnigh t Sun set (upon release)\nOthers in Top 4: Midnight Sun booster pack\nSpec ial Prize: Highest finisher with both IDs not represented in the Top 4 wil l get a Midnight Sun booster pack\nInverse performance based raffle prize: Choice of either System Gateway (full set) or Midnight Sun set (upon rele ase)\nEligibility: Must have played all Swiss rounds of the tournament but not have won more than 50% of games (≤12 points if 4 rounds\, ≤15 poi nts if 5 rounds).\nRaffle structure: Each eligible participant will receiv e 15-X (if 4 rounds) or 18-X (if 5 rounds) tickets\, where X is their fina l points.\nDonation\nNo entry fee\, but we do suggest a $5 donation to the Green Level Clearance server. This server has been instrumental in helpin g out many new players on their Netrunner journey. All donations to GLC wi ll be used to help cover the costs of past and future prizing and distribu tion.\nGLC Paypal:\nQuestions/Comments\nCont act any of the the following TOs on GLC: @wee bull\; @shruthless\; @Oddbal l\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Ashes to ashes!


A tournament celebrating the end of the first version of the Startup format.\nHeld on the new player fr iendly Green Level Clearance Discord server


The inaugural Startup format has been wildly successful in both bringing in new players and help ing players transition to Standard. The upcoming release of Midnight Sun w ill introduce the first rotation to this format. Let’s send off Ashes wi th a big celebration!






Player s will need to join the GLC discord server:


When ready to submit decklists\, please si gn up for the tournament by filling this form.


Signups will close on May 21st\, 11.30 PM PDT (UTC -7 hours)\nPairings will be an nounced on GLC every Sunday\, with the pairings for Round 1 going up on Su nday\, May 22nd.


Paired players have to coordinate among themselve s and play their games within a week and report the results.\nIn the first round you will very likely be matched with someone in a nearby time zone. For later rounds\, time zone proximity will be taken into consideration w hile generating pairs.


Code of Conduct


All NISEI and GLC Codes of Conduct apply.


Please remember that this is a celebration of the Startup format\, a fo rmat that brought in so many new players to the game. While it is a compet itive tournament\, we expect experienced players to be considerate towards those who are relatively newer to the game.


Please be respectful of other players' time. Once you have agreed on a time with your opponent\ , a no-show will result in being dropped from future rounds. Also\, if you cannot play a particular round\, let your opponent know as soon as possib le. Not responding to an opponent's scheduling messages before that round ’s Friday would also result in being dropped from future rounds.


Winner: Midnight Sun set (upon release)


Others in Top 4: Midnight Sun booster pack


Special Prize: Highest finisher with both IDs not repr esented in the Top 4 will get a Midnight Sun booster pack


Inverse performance based raffle prize: Choice of either System G ateway (full set) or Midnight Sun set (upon release)


Eligibili ty: Must have played all Swiss rounds of the tournament but not have won more than 50% of games (≤12 points if 4 rounds\, ≤15 points if 5 r ounds).


Raffle structure: Each eligible participant will receive 15-X (if 4 rounds) or 18-X (if 5 rounds) tickets\, where X is thei r final points.




No entry fee\, but we do sugges t a $5 donation to the Green Level Clearance server. This server has been instrumental in helping out many new players on their Netrunner journey. A ll donations to GLC will be used to help cover the costs of past and futur e prizing and distribution.


GLC Paypal: greenleve




Contact any of t he the following TOs on GLC: @wee bull\; @shruthless\; @Oddball