BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3235alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20220528T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20220528T235900 URL: LOCATION:581 83 Linköping\, Sweden SUMMARY:Linköping Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the Linköping Circuit Opener 2022\, taking place du ring the LinCon gaming convention.\nLocation: Linköping University\, buil ding C\, room S15\nTime: Registration from 12:00\, preliminary tournament start 12:30.\nCost: 50 SEK\, payable at registration (Swish preferred). A ticket to LinCon is also required (see the LinCon web page for details).\n Format: NISEI standard\, latest SBL\nStructure: Depends on the number of p articipants. Preliminary 4 rounds of swiss. If there are enough attendants there might also be a top cut.\nWe follow NISEI offical rules and organiz ed play policies. See the NISEI web page for more details.\nCircuit Opener s are casual tier events.\nThere will be no food break\, make sure you eat lunch before the tournament. There will be a short break after two swiss rounds.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome to the Linköping Circuit Opener 20 22\, taking place during the LinCon gaming convention.


Location: L inköping University\, building C\, room S15


Time: Registration fr om 12:00\, preliminary tournament start 12:30.


Cost: 50 SEK\, paya ble at registration (Swish preferred). A ticket to LinCon is also required (see the LinCon web page for details ).


Format: NISEI standard\, latest SBL


Structure: Depends on the number of participants. Preliminary 4 rounds of swiss. If there are enough attendants there might also be a top cut.


We follow NISEI offical rules and organized play policies. See the NISEI web page for more details.


Circuit Openers are ca sual tier events.


There will be no food break\, make sure you eat lunch before the tournament. There will be a short break after two swiss r ounds.