BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3222alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20220528T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20220528T235900 URL: -championship LOCATION:9012 Research Blvd #1\, Austin\, TX 78758\, USA SUMMARY:Hot Tub Time Machine Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nEntry: $10 at the counter (includes cafe/draught beverage)\nH ere in 2022\, our experience of time is beginning to reassert itself as a linear sequence of events\, which is great\, but it does leave us with som e loose ends. We are left with many questions\, such as "\;who was the 2021 Netrunner Store Champion for Austin\, Texas?"\;\, "\;when wi ll PE get unbanned"\;\, and "\;were we ever so young as we were in 2014"\;? These questions and more will be ANSWERED on May 28th\, when we fire up the executive jacuzzi time machine and take it back to 2021\, not because it was a good year\, but because your TO has a Store Champions hip kit and he has to run this event before we can get to Circuit Openers! \nSo here's the DEAL. This will be a sanctioned event with regulation priz e support from the 2021 kit. This will also be our first Standard tourname nt since last November\, when we ran the 202X Store Championship using the 2020 kit! The 2021 kit did not include a mat\, but with our trusty Delore an\, we can yoink prize support from deep time. A one-of-a-kind Hydra mat goes to the winner\, and 2nd/3rd will take their pick of the "\;Summer 2015 Champion"\; mat and "\;Season One 2014 Champion"\; mat\, both from the FFG era! Install servers on them with pride!\nIn addition\, I will be raffling off a sealed Original Netrunner booster pack to a luck y participant! That participant will of course be required to open it on s ite so that we can all gaze upon its bewildering treasures.\nUnlike GNKs\, there is not a fixed structure\, rather\, it will be based on turnout at the conclusion of registration on the day. We will be starting earlier to give us time for extra rounds/cut\, if need be. The breakdown is as follow s:\n○ Up to 11 players: 3 rounds\, no cut\n○ 12-15 players: 4 rounds\, no cut\n○ 16-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Entry: $10 at the counter (includes cafe/draug ht beverage)
\nHere in 2022\, our experience of time is beginning to reassert itself as a linear sequence of events\, which is great\, but it does leave us with some loose ends. We are left with many questions\, such as "\;who was the 2021 Netrunner Store Champion for Austin\, Texas?&q uot\;\, "\;when will PE get unbanned"\;\, and "\;were we ever so young as we were in 2014"\;? These questions and more will be ANSWE RED on May 28th\, when we fire up the executive jacuzzi time machine and t ake it back to 2021\, not because it was a good year\, but because your TO has a Store Championship kit and he has to run this event before we can g et to Circuit Openers!
\nSo here's the DEAL. This will be a sanction ed event with regulation prize support from the 2021 kit. This will also b e our first Standard tournament since last November\, when we ran the 202X Store Championship using the 2020 kit! The 2021 kit did not include a mat \, but with our trusty Delorean\, we can yoink prize support from deep tim e. A one-of-a-kind Hydra mat goes to the winner\, and 2nd/3rd will take th eir pick of the "\;Summer 2015 Champion"\; mat and "\;Season O ne 2014 Champion"\; mat\, both from the FFG era! Install servers on th em with pride!
\nIn addition\, I will be raffling off a sealed Origi nal Netrunner booster pack to a lucky participant! That participant will o f course be required to open it on site so that we can all gaze upon its b ewildering treasures.
\nUnlike GNKs\, there is not a fixed structure \, rather\, it will be based on turnout at the conclusion of registration on the day. We will be starting earlier to give us time for extra rounds/c ut\, if need be. The breakdown is as follows:\n○ Up to 11 players: 3 rou nds\, no cut\n○ 12-15 players: 4 rounds\, no cut\n○ 16-32 players: 4 r ounds\, top 4