BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3210alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20220515T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20220515T235900 URL: LOCATION:Rathausgasse 52\, 3011 Bern\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Swiss-Up Take 2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Swiss-Up Take 2\nStart-Up Tournament in the Dragon's Lair in Be rn\nAll Netrunner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friends from the “Regional Meta”\nThe Format Start-Up is especially Be ginner-friendly because of the limited Card Pool\, so if you are new to Ne trunner or just reentering the game again: this is perfect for you. And do n't be afraid of more experienced players or of the competitive setting. W e are a friendly bunch of people and a tournament is a great way to get in to the spirit of Netrunner. If you don't have a lot of experience and need help beforehand\, look me up on discord and ping me (link to the discords erver is below)\nTimetable\nThere will be a number of Swiss rounds acordin g to players\, no cut. Format is Start-Up concerning NISEI Rules\n\n\nRegi stration starts at 10.00\, Sunday 15th of May\nFirst Round of 65 min start s at 11:00\nThere will be a lunch break after two rounds (probably best if you bring something along)\n\n\nEntry fee\nPlease pay the fee of 10 CHF o r Euros in advance via digital means (bank transfer\, Twint) or in cash on the day. Ask me for my bank details if needed\nThe Prize Pool will be mix ed of official Game Night Kits and unofficial prizes.\nRequirements\n\n1 C orp and 1 Runner Startup deck\n\nImportant links and information\n\n-->\ ;\n-->\;Swiss Disord Server\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
All Netrunner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friends from the “Regional Meta”
\nThe Format Start-Up is especially Beginner-friendly because of th e limited Card Pool\, so if you are new to Netrunner or just reentering th e game again: this is perfect for you. And don't be afraid of more experie nced players or of the competitive setting. We are a friendly bunch of peo ple and a tournament is a great way to get into the spirit of Netrunner. I f you don't have a lot of experience and need help beforehand\, look me up on discord and ping me (link to the discordserver is below)
\nThere will be a number of Swiss rounds acording to players\ , no cut. Format is Start-Up concerning NISEI Rules
\nPlease pay the fee of 10 CHF or Euros in advance via digit al means (bank transfer\, Twint) or in cash on the day. Ask me for my bank details if needed
\nThe Prize Pool will be mixed of official Game N ight Kits and unofficial prizes.