BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3194alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220410 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220411 URL: ay-1-game-on SUMMARY:Startup Plus League: Game Day 1 - GAME ON! CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to Game Day 1 of the Startup Plus League!\nAnyone and e veryone is welcome to sign up\, as long as you can participate in both the Swiss rounds (4) and the Top Cut games (double elimination - if that happ ens).\nThe deck registration form is here\n(A reminder that "\;local t ime"\; for this event = this)\nTechnical requirements\n\na stable inte rnet connection\naccess to\naccess to Discord - (voice communications optional but encouraged) - the tournament channel i s here\n\n\nEvent structure:\n\nPlayer meeting on Discord (around 15 minut es before start of Round 1)\n4 (four) Swiss rounds of 60 minutes maximum e ach. Breaks of 5-10 minutes between each round\, as required\, at TO's dis crection.\n\nDeckbuilding rules\nStartup Plus 1.0 uses the first Startup c ard pool (System Gateway\, System Update 2021\, Ashes: Downfall\, Ashes: U prising).\nThe card pool follows the NISEI Startup format guidelines with the following modifications:\n\n\nEach deck can contain a non-Startup & \; Standard-legal ID (both for Corp and Runner) and a single playset of a non-Startup &\; Standard-legal card (both for Corp and Runner).\n\nIn o ther words\, you can build a regular Startup-legal deck that can include a full playset of a Standard-legal card as well as use any Standard-legal I D with it. That's two Standard-legal cards in your otherwise Startup-legal deck. And you can do that for both Corp and Runner - so it's up to two St andard-legal IDs as well as up to two full playsets of two different cards across your Corp/Runner deck combo.\nThe deck lists for this event will n ot be public. Players will be encouraged to share their decks and strategi es afterwards.\n\nSeason structure\nThe season will consist of eight (8) G ame Days\, announced on\n\nPlayers are allowed to cha nge their decks and IDs from one Game Day to another.\nEach participant wi ll have their Final Score calculated from their five (5) best Game Days. I f a participant plays in fewer than five (5) Game Days\, their Final Score will be calculated from all of their Game Days.\n\nStreaming\nThere will be streaming happening\, mainly via Twitch. All explicit requests to be st reamed will be considered.\nIf you are not OK with being on the stream wit h your game(s)\, please put "\;DNS"\; at the end of your table nam e on during the tournament (but do allow spectators\, for TO c alls!). All requests to not be streamed will be honoured. You can absolute ly change your mind about being on/off stream in between rounds - just don 't forget to use the "\;DNS"\; code\, it will make my life much ea sier\, thanks!\nIf you want to co-stream the event\, please coordinate wit h the TO to avoid crossing the streams (they say it's dangerous). Also\, c onsider getting a free listing in the community directory.\nGood luck & \; may it be fun!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to Game Day 1 of the Startup Plus League!
\nAnyone and everyone is welcome to sign up\, as long as you can participate in both the Swiss rounds (4) and the Top Cut game
s (double elimination - if that happens).
The deck registration form is here
\n(A reminder that "\;local time"\ ; for this event = this)
\nStartup Plus 1.0 uses the first Startup ca rd pool (System Gateway\, System Update 2021\, Ashes: Downfall\, Ashes: Up rising).
\nThe card pool follows the NISEI Startup format guidelines with the following modifications:
\nThe season will consist of eight (8) Game Days\, announced on p>\n
There will be streaming happening\, mainly via Twitch. All explicit requests to be streamed will be considered.< /p>\n
If you are not OK with being on the stream with your game( s)\, please put "\;DNS"\; at the end of your table name o n during the tournament (but do allow spectators\, for TO call s!). All requests to not be streamed will be honoured. Yo u can absolutely change your mind about being on/off stream in between rou nds - just don't forget to use the "\;DNS"\; code\, it will make m y life much easier\, thanks!
\nIf you want to co-stream the event\, please coordinate with the TO to avoid crossing the strea ms (they say it's dangerous). Also\, consider getting a free listing in the community directory.
\nGood luck &\; may it be fun!