BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3191alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20220710T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20220710T235900 URL: the-grid LOCATION:1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA SUMMARY:2022 Off The Grid - Gods of the Grid CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:IMPORTANT: Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination IS REQUIRED to be adde d to the tournament roster. We will be providing KF94 masks and requiring their use.\n\nA NOTE ON LEGALITY: New cards may be spoiled by NISEI in lat e June or early July. If that comes to pass\, this tournament is to be FUL L WILD WILD WEST\, and therefore ALL SPOILED BUT UNRELEASED CARDS ARE LEGA L. We will extend Registration and have printers onsite to accommodate mak ing proxies for attendees' decks.\n2022 Off The Grid - Gods of the Grid\nN o Decklists. Ticket Required (Click Here). NISEI Standard Format + ALL SPO ILED UNRELEASED CARDS.\nThis will be a 3-person team tournament in the sty le of grand ol' King of Servers. Submit your team's info via this Google F orm. While we don't expect to hit it\, there's a hard cap of 38 teams of 3 \, which is our people cap of 114. We could possibly wiggle 1 more team in if needed. You can find out how many teams are registered by checking the Team Roster.\nTeams will be required to represent all three main Runner f actions (Anarch\, Criminal\, Shaper) with no duplicates on the team. Minif actions may be swapped in place of a main faction\, but again no duplicate s. Teams will also need to represent 3 of the 4 Corp factions with no dupl icates. If the Midnight Sun set is out and the Neutral Runner/Corp IDs are in it\, they will be treated as a minifaction swap in.\nEvent goes down a t 10:00AM CT on 7/10/22 We’re doing registration for GOTG roughly at 10 :00AM\, with cards hitting the tables at 12:00AM. Your team should registe r together. There will be 4 or 5 Swiss rounds of 65 minutes. Teams will be paired off based on their combined win/loss records\, with individual pla yers sitting across from each other based on individual records.\nTable ta lk and banter fully allowed\, including showing cards to your teammates. T his more in the spirit of fun and teamwork than someone literally piloting decks that aren't theirs\, so teams are allowed to call judges for slow p lay and observation if there's suspected abuse of this rule. During the la st 5 minutes of each round\, all table talk is expected to cease as the re maining players fight for their lives.\nThere will be some prize support i n the form of playmats\, cards\, and an optional pool of cash. Basically\, anyone who thinks their team can take this down is invited to put their m oney where there mouth is and lay down some cash\, with the cash donations split between the top 3 teams roughly 60/30/10 depending on how much is t hrown in. OTG will not take a cut.\nLinks\nTeam Registration Google Form\n Team Roster\nEventbrite Ticket Purchasing Page\nNISEI Code of Conduct\nNIS EI OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNISEI Standard Format\n(Any and all eve nt details are subject to change. In the case of any saltiness\, please kn ow that any and all dickish comments will be ignored and summarily dismiss ed.)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
IMPORTANT: Proof of COVID- 19 Vaccination IS REQUIRED to be added to the tournament roster. We will b e providing KF94 masks and requiring their use.
\nA NOTE ON LEGALITY: New cards may be spoiled by NISEI in late Ju ne or early July. If that comes to pass\, this tournament is to be FULL WI LD WILD WEST\, and therefore ALL SPOILED BUT UNRELEASED CARDS ARE LEGAL. W e will extend Registration and have printers onsite to accommodate making proxies for attendees' decks.
\nNo Decklists. Ticket Required (Click Here). NISEI Standard Format + ALL SPOILED UNRELEASED CARDS.
\nThis will be a 3-person team tournament in the style of grand ol' King of Servers. Submit your team's info via this Google Form< /a>. While we don't expect to hit it\, there's a hard cap of 38 teams of 3 \, which is our people cap of 114. We could possibly wiggle 1 more team in if needed. You can find out how many teams are registered by checking the Team Roster.
\nTeams wil l be required to represent all three main Runner factions (Anarch\, Crimin al\, Shaper) with no duplicates on the team. Minifactions may be swapped i n place of a main faction\, but again no duplicates. Teams will also need to represent 3 of the 4 Corp factions with no duplicates. If the Midnight Sun set is out and the Neutral Runner/Corp IDs are in it\, they will be treated as a minifac tion swap in.
\nEvent goes down at 10:00AM CT on 7/10/22 We’re do ing registration for GOTG roughly at 10:00AM\, with cards hitting the tabl es at 12:00AM. Your team should register together. There will be 4 or 5 Swiss rounds of 65 minutes. Teams will be paired off based on their combined win/loss records\, with individual players sitting across from e ach other based on individual records.
\nTable talk and banter fully allowed\, including showing cards to your teammates. This more in the spi rit of fun and teamwork than someone literally piloting decks that aren't theirs\, so teams are allowed to call judges for slow play and observation if there's suspected abuse of this rule. During the last 5 minutes of eac h round\, all table talk is expected to cease as the remaining players fig ht for their lives.
\nThere will be some prize support in the form o f playmats\, cards\, and an optional pool of cash. Basically\, anyone who thinks their team can take this down is invited to put their money where t here mouth is and lay down some cash\, with the cash donations split betwe en the top 3 teams roughly 60/30/10 depending on how much is thrown in. OT G will not take a cut.
\nLinks\nTeam Registration Google Form\nTeam Roster \nEventb rite Ticket Purchasing Page\nNISEI Code of Conduct\nNISEI OP Polic ies &\; Floor Rules\nNISEI Standard Format
\n(Any a nd all event details are subject to change. In the case of any saltiness\, please know that any and all dickish comments will be ignored and summari ly dismissed.)