BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3190alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20220403T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20220403T235900 URL: nd-standard LOCATION:135 Arden St\, North Melbourne VIC 3051\, Australia SUMMARY:Sunday Run-Day #3 (Startup and Standard) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Whether you're brand new to the game or a vintage runner from w ay back\, you're welcome to come by for some friendly games over coffee.\n I'm excited to announce the first Standard format event in Melbourne in mo re than 2 years!\n##Format\nI wanted to create an opportunity for people t o play Standard format\, alongside the wildly popular Startup format. Two tournaments will run simultaneously. Play whichever format you like!\n##En try and Prizes\n$10 entry keeps the promo cards coming. If your circumstan ces don't allow it\, that's fine.\n##Safety First\nIf you don't feel comfo rtable attending events at the moment\, but would like me to mail a partic ipation prize\, that's fine. Just pay the entry fee and I'll mail the card s out to you.\nAs always\, we will follow Covid-safe settings.\nIf Covid d evelopments prevent the event running in-store\, I will run the event onli ne via the Melbourne Netrunner Discord and\n##Get in touch\nY ou can always get in touch with the Melbourne Netrunner community on our D iscord channel.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Whether you're brand new to the game or a v intage runner from way back\, you're welcome to come by for some friendly games over coffee.
\nI'm excited to announce the first Standard form at event in Melbourne in more than 2 years!
\n##Format\nI wanted to create an opportunity for people to play Standard format\, alongside the wildl y popular Startup format. Two tournaments will run simultaneously. Play whichev er format you like!
\n##Entry and Prizes\n$10 entry keeps the promo cards coming. If your circumstances don't allow it\, that's fine.
\n##Safety First\nIf you don't feel comfortable attending events at the mome nt\, but would like me to mail a participation prize\, that's fine. Just p ay the entry fee and I'll mail the cards out to you.\nAs always\, we will follow Covid-safe settings.\nIf Covid developments prevent the event runni ng in-store\, I will run the event online via the Melbourne Netrunner Discord and
\n##Get in touch\nYou can always get in touch w ith the Melbourne Netrunner community on our Discord channel.