BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3187alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20220327T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20220327T235900 URL: aby-light-the-fire SUMMARY:Spring awakening (come on\, baby\, light the fire!) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Dear runners\nI welcome you to this community meetup and casual tournament on 27.03. in Zürich.\nI am happy to say that we will have a r eally nice place at Heinrichstrasse 238 near Hardbrücke and I am VERY hap py to announce that there will be special prize support by Jakuza on top o f the regular to be determined prizes!\nThe room is at entrance C of the b uilding! (on the back)\n~Unfortunately\, as of now I have not received con firmation for the final location\, but we will meet in the Zürich City ar ea. I will edit the event and message everyone as soon as I know!~\nRegist ration starts 9.30\nTournament starts ~10 to 10.30\nFormat: Startup + Mid night Sun Booster pack\nStructure: SSS - Single-sided Swiss\, rounds depen ding on attendandees\nEntry fee: CHF 10\nprize pool: yes\, there will be p rizes!\nAlso: please be aware that Startup legality is different to Standa rd legality! For instance\, Cayambe City Grid and Gold Farmer are legal in Startup.\nIf you have any questions\, contact me via email or phone\, Thr eema\, discord\, what have you!\nLooking forward to seeing all of you!\nLu ke\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Dear runners


I welcome you to this community meetup and casual tournament on 27.03. in Zürich.


I am happy to say that we will have a really nice place at Heinrichstrasse 238 near Hardbrücke and I am VERY happy to announce that there will be specia l prize support by Jakuza on top of the regular to be determined prizes!\n

The room is at entrance C of the building! (on the back)


~U nfortunately\, as of now I have not received confirmation for the final lo cation\, but we will meet in the Zürich City area. I will edit the event and message everyone as soon as I know!~


Registration starts 9.30\ nTournament starts ~10 to 10.30\nFormat: Startup + Midnight Sun Booster p ack\nStructure: SSS - Single-sided Swiss\, rounds depending on attendandee s\nEntry fee: CHF 10\nprize pool: yes\, there will be prizes!


Also : please be aware that Startup legality is different to Standard legality! For instance\, Cayambe City Grid and Gold Farmer are legal in Startup.


If you have any questions\, contact me via email or phone\, Threema\ , discord\, what have you!


Looking forward to seeing all of you!\n


\n DTSTAMP:20250329T075255Z BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT120M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Spring awakening (come on\, baby\, light the fire!) END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR