BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3173alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20220401T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20220401T235900 URL: LOCATION:Pg. de Sant Joan\, 11\, 08010 Barcelona\, Spain SUMMARY:B·COM: TAG TEAM EXTRAVAGANZA CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:You must be registered in the main event to participate in this Tag Team Extravaganza.\nWe asked and you answered!\nThe vast majority wan ted a standard event\, but there were a lot of you that were aching for a competitive Start-Up or Eternal format.\nThey say you can’t make everybo dy happy\, but we say that’s bullshit.\nWhat is it?\nTeams of three play ers will face each other in a team event where each of you will have to ch oose a different format to play: Eternal\, Standard and Start-Up.\nRegistr ation\nYou can register your team or sign up as a free agent.\nAll partici pating teams and free agents can be found here.\nand we have a Discord Cha nnel for the Free Agents to get in touch!\nRules\nEach format will follow their current legal sets and ban lists. You can find all the official info rmation here.\nThere are no limitations on the amount of times the same fa ction can be played in the same team\, but you cannot repeat a same ID tw ice.\nDuring the rounds\, the players who have matching formats will be fa cing each other\, and individual points will not affect the pairings.\nThe re will no Top Cut and the results will be based on the Swiss standings.\n Prizes\nCute Stuff! Choose between 7 cutie-pie\, faction-themed\, hand-mad e ... Coming Soon\nTiming &\; Schedule\n4 or 5 Rounds of 4 Rounds of Sw iss of 65 minutes each\, with up to 10 minute breaks.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
You must be registered in the main event to participate in this Tag Team Extravaganza.
\nWe asked and yo u answered!\nThe vast majority wanted a standard event\, but there were a lot of you that were aching for a competitive Start-Up or Eternal format.< /p>\n
They say you can’t make everybody happy\, but we say that’s bu llshit.
\nTeams of three play ers will face each other in a team event where each of you will have to ch oose a different format to play: Eternal\, Standard and Start-Up.
\nYou can register your team or s ign up as a free agent.
\nAll participating teams and free agent s can be found here.\nand we ha ve a Discord Channel for the Free Agents to get in touch!
\nEac h format will follow their current legal sets and ban lists. You can find all the official information here.
\nThere are no limitations on the amount of ti mes the same faction can be played in the same team\, but you cannot repe at a same ID twice.
\nDuring the rounds\, the players who have match ing formats will be facing each other\, and individual points will not aff ect the pairings.
\nThere will no Top Cut and the results will be ba sed on the Swiss standings.
\nCute Stuff! Choose between 7 cutie-pie\, faction-themed\, hand-made ... Co ming Soon
\n4 or 5 Rounds of 4 Rounds of Swiss of 65 minutes each\, with up to 10 minut e breaks.